Got an idea.


Home Forums Prison Feedback Got an idea.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #98441 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hello Ec, Players :)
    I got an idea for Prison, players. Now I see that players are getting really mad because they lost there stuff / plot, rank, items, loot and.. Etc.
    So I came up with a idea a few days ago. I never really had the time to make this topic because I was reporting Cr like a mad man. :-:
    But here we go!

    For Free rankers, they should have 55% of there loot back. ( But not there plot )
    For Prankers like I+ and etc etc. Should get 65% of there loot back and there plot. ( And what I mean by get there plot back is that a high rank mod will give you 100k for your plot. Not for what it had. )

    C-F rankers should get about 25% of there loot back.
    G-I rankers should get about 35% of there loot back
    J-L rankers should get about 44% Because J, K, and L mines are Op, so I think they should get loser then everyone else.

    The mods, can work something like this out or make it better.
    It just seems unfair for our Ec / Prison, players to lose all of there months / hard work.

    But too me I rarely care because I don’t have that much loot like that anyways. The things I may care about is.

    +My picks
    +My swords ( Not much doe )
    And that’s really much it I can work for anything else there is.
    If the mods, don’t agree with this idea, it’s 100% fine with me.

    #98443 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well i debuilded my plot so the only thing i am sad about is 13 tier 1’s
    4 of them never used the other 9 almost broken

    #98446 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Well now tier 6’s are extinct.. 0 emeralddonor players lol

    #98453 Score: 0

    14 pts

    N o one knows what people had and lie about it.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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