GreeK Hacking its pretty obvious


Home Forums Survival General discussion GreeK Hacking its pretty obvious

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  MrThanos 11 years ago.

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  • #60046 Score: 0


    Well, this is straight out dumb. its annoyingHacker

    #60047 Score: 0


    How is this hacking? Please dont call people hackers just because they kill you..

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Xavier3479.
    #60051 Score: 0


    Last time i noticed he is hacking too cause when ttram was up the hill and GreeK was coming up the hill, when i ready to hit him from behind, he hit me and i lost 5 hearts instantly and the wtf things is he was facing to ttram :/. And one more thing that i asked skills to see when i hit him he doesnt get knock back like every time i hit he doesnt get knockback… Even with my “god” sword

    #60055 Score: 0


    Well I dont have evidence but, one of his hits takes me down 6 hearts even though he has strength2, and ya he also dont take knockback.

    #60057 Score: 0


    The Fact that i have good stuff doesn’t make me hacker and .im not hacker. im playing in this server 7 months and i have experience. so we are not the same if you cant pvp dont pvp or buy new pc dont blame other for hacking because they killed you many times.

    #60062 Score: 0


    GreeK last time I hit u using my “god” sword, u don’t even get knockback, and wtf are u talking about buy new pc? I got gaming pc and this neva happened but u. and I hit u plenty of times but u neva got knockback. and yea u hit me from behind even u facing the other way of me but u still hit me so don’t even say that u good at pvp.

    #60063 Score: 0


    GUYS! If you don’t have proof then saying someone is hacking is useless! Get proof before you accuse someone of hacking.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Xavier3479.
    #60066 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ Xav is totally right.
    (Sorry WTFBROO, but I can’t open the picture atm..)

    And, guys, GreeK maybe ever have a strenght potion + sharpness 5, or whatever it needs to be, sword.
    If skills would’ve seen this, GreeK would be already banned, dude..

    #60068 Score: 0


    Last time he did and he said he gonna talk to him something but idk it happened

    #60083 Score: 0


    Prove it.If you prove it then post it and he will get the proportionate punishment.Dicedead has fair.Skills would have already caughτ him.

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