Grief In Lake_people


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This topic contains 21 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Pakisha99 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #13997 Score: 0


    and what do i have to do with town grief? u think i griefed town? well i didn’t, i just deleted one ladder. if that is grief, (which isn’t) idk what can i tell u.. u can trust me, i told u already. but u don’t. well, i would be glad to help u, call me when u need help. but u don’t have respect for my stolen time PLAYING in town and HELPING town. -.-

    #13998 Score: 0


    I Will have a mod check the logs about a report i got about you trying to kick diamondzxx about an argument. i would like to know more about this argument you two had and dont tell me there wasnt one unless ur telling the truth becoz i WILL have the logs checked pakisha

    #13999 Score: 0


    okay. logs? well, it was just jk about kick.. he annoyed me and grief me… idk what is wrong with him, he acts to me like i am gypsy. It was argument.. u can trust me, there was. idk why, i forgot XD check whatever, and pls trust me.. i started to like u and i found out that u are cool guy… just call me when u need help. and i will help u to fix town.

    #14000 Score: 0


    The House that was burnt down is unfixable. i am warning you now DO NOT joke about kicking again as diamondzxx took it seriously and was actually going to kick you first. also as i have set perms up specifically you cannot kick another assistant from the town. if ANYTHING else goes worong during the time i am not on the server, i will not hesitate to remove all assistants except dragonz12345 and i. understood?

    #14001 Score: 0


    I know it’s a joke omg. OFC is fixable! we can put wood.. i will cut some later.. if u get me back as assistant ofc. -.-

    #14002 Score: 0


    I cant make u assistant. i cannot go on ec except during the day (in australia) due to problems with my laptops jva. me and dragonz are fixing it but it might be some time. also no its not as some idiot has put protection on half the stuff in there

    #14004 Score: 0


    wtf? what do u have as problem? well, if u need help about that call me… when u come online make me one pls.

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

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