Guess what


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89443 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Guys, I’ve been evaluating over the past 48 hours, and I’ve concluded I need to leave the server. I will be leaving after I go back to school after Holiday’s break. Sorry I gotta do this, but here’s a snapshot of how my life goes everyday because of Eternalcraft: I get home, rush through my homework, eat dinner, throw myself on the computer, spend all my time from 5:30 PM to 9:30 playing minecraft, not able to fall asleep until 10:45, as odd fact: Staring at a computer screen for a while makes your brain wanna stay awake.

    As I stated in my other post, expect to be slammed with a wall of hatred is you ask for: My plots in towns, ender storage, town, items, etc. Don’t ask for ANYTHING but a goodbye, and maybe a hug. Anyway, if I ever did anything to make you rage, eh, sorry for that if I never did say sorry. Whether or not any of you reading this were a friend, enemy, ally, town staff, or anything, I will miss the memories. I will not give my town away, I will continue to log on and tend to it, I’m removing all the ranks from it, and if you ever need anything, mail me in-game.

    Before people accuse me of it, no, im not rage-quitting. I am just getting overtaken by Eternalcraft and minecraft, and I’m falling out of the loop on many things. I haven’t watched an Etho video in over a month, and EC is to blame for that.

    Another thing, before the HeadMods or born think I’m saying Eternalcraft sucks, I’m denying that fact. Eternalcraft has given me so much, I will miss it. Borncorp, remember this, this always: “Good in bad, bad in good” -Ying Yang symbal.

    I will miss all of you, friends and foes, I will… I will.

    Well, looking on the bright side of the whole thing, I’ll try to make it back from this by the end of June, of 2015. If I do that, I will come out swinging with ideas and greetings, I will love seeing all that’s new. I will keep updated via the forums, and if anyone needs me, contact me in-game with /mail send AnderZENZ {your message}, or through forums chat or in a topic. I’ll visit the forums hopefully daily.

    Well, nothing much more to say, sooo…

    ~AnderZENZ, out. Pretend none of this ever existed, I will not be leaving Eternalcraft, I love it too much to quit, I might have like weeks where I won’t be as active, but I’m not leaving :)

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #89456 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Dude, from what you wrote it seems like you are too involved. I appreciate having you with us, but real life is always first. If you feel your life is passing by take action before its too late. You can always come back once you have found balance. Anyways dude, its up to you, thanks for sharing your feels.

    #89458 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah the reason I re-posted that and crossed it out is because I am almost sure I have found a balance :) anyway, thanks born, happy holidays 😀

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