gunsmith lured me


Home Forums Survival General discussion gunsmith lured me

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  devandutton98 12 years ago.

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  • #16032 Score: 0


    i was playing march 2 at 10 and gunsmith sent me a tpa request i didnt know
    why he did so i ran to my house and put my valuables in my chests i than accepted his request i tpd to a unowned area in a town it was a house or something of white wool gunsmith had on dia armor and an enchanted sword he killed me as soon as he saw me
    i didnt lose anything so im not mad but still thats breaking the rules so if the mods could please do something about this it would be nice thank you

    #16045 Score: 0


    You accept tp requests at your own risk. It is your fault for not asking why he was tp requesting and your fault to have accepted it.

    #16047 Score: 0


    okay i understand that ill be smarter next time ty shaman

    #16048 Score: 0


    Btw devan you should do /tptoggle so he cant tp to you and you will have more chance to not die cause i did it and I didnt die once so hope this is help full and Remember only tp to people you know because random people just kill you like gunsmith did and 1 more thing if he tells you to tp to him to mine some diamonds or something and you do but he kills you then its a lurer tag plus he gives stuff back.



    #16128 Score: 0


    alright ty harry that was helpful

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