

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #86058 Score: 0


    Guys, Jerome43296 was hacking. I used 9 suicide bombs, and 5 went to waste. In case of other 4, he was standing on the spawn dragon here bedrock thing and still he didnt die. I dont have proof, as i cant record. Siverbullet, AliPvP_92 and mubar_ak47(probably) were here and saw it. He was swinging his sword tooo fast and wasnt dying frm suicide bombs. He was also insulting me and siver. Can a mod keep an eye on him? And yeah i lost my power, a sharpVI sword, an iron kit, and 9 suicide bombs while trying to record him. Plz help.

    2014 11 30 19 36 11<br />screen shots<br /><br />

    2014 11 30 19 47 37<br />upload an image<br /><br />

    #86059 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    ,, what does the pictures show?

    #86060 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Will be forwarded to a factions mod, however your pictures don’t show anything, really. Try to get some valid proof next time.


    #86062 Score: 0


    These pics show him insulting me and siver. Here is another one

    2014 11 30 21 37 52<br />how to print screen on pc<br /><br />

    #86063 Score: 0

    1 pt

    “Noob” isn’t necessarily an insult.
    The definition of noob, aka newbie, is a new player.
    As such it is not offensive, and isn’t valid to report.

    The word “noob” can be taken as an insult, but that’s personal, and is different from player to player, making it such that it isn’t something to be warned for.


    #86074 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Yeah, jerome is just having a hissy-fit, because people were supposedly ignoring him on Survival, so he disrespected myself and someone else.

    #86082 Score: 0

    1 pt

    well if he was swinging his sword too fast, hes obviously hacking and that hack is called kill aura

    #86093 Score: 0


    Since we don’t have any proper proof,No action will be taken now..But we will surely keep an eye over jerome.Concerning your power and your items,I don’t think you will be refunded for that.

    #86130 Score: 0

    1 pt

    i think jerome was banned before for hacking

    #86133 Score: 0


    @igra2002 He was, and he tried to apply as mod after that…

    #86137 Score: 0


    What you can do is before throwing bomb,take a screen of you throwing suicide bomb on jerome or even take a screen of him..Then ,take a screen of the death msg

    #103546 Score: 0

    7 pts

    A mod’s job is to make sure players feel comfortable in the server. Even if you get offended by light insults, in this cases: ‘noob’, we will warn the player.

    Dealt with. [The insults, not hacks]

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