Hacker report (not sure ._.)


Home Forums Prison Reports Hacker report (not sure ._.)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #111596 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In-game name: TheHighOreo
    Rule breaker: BAD75
    Date of offense: Idk when he added it but I guess I’ll just state when I found it…
    6/22/2015 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    Reason for reporting: Having a banned mod (maybe?)
    Server: Prison
    Details: So this guy was reporting melee and I noticed something on the top left corner of the screen (actually it was Ali who pointed it out but I’m a jerk who won’t give him credit so yeah, Thanks Ali <3) does this count? ._.
    Evidence: null

    #111598 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Crap I messed up! D: It’s MM/DD/YYYY it’s not the month 22nd D: Thanks for pointing that out melee. >_<

    #111600 Score: 0



    No problem oreo, bad, stop hacking… This is your 4th ban (if it does happen) and you wont get anymore chances. We are all tired of it…

    #111602 Score: 0


    XYZs are obviously allowed and it doesn’t give advantages, it just shows where your coordinates r, so no advantages for multiplayer, only singeplayer so I’m not going to be banned -_-

    #111605 Score: 0


    Banned BAD75 Thanks for Reporting.

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