Happy Anniversary EternalCraft!
This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by DemacianCrafter 10 years, 2 months ago.
Hey guys…for most of you reading this it’s still possibly January 2nd for you, but in my Timezone it’s the 3rd. I’ve been informed that three years ago today a server had started called EternalCracked, and little to be known it would grow to be multiple peoples favorite server. I would actually like to share some experiences I had from the time I joined to present day…Early 2013 is when I joined, a little over the one year mark for the server, I remember the old spawn and everything. I really just wandered around and wondered how this server worked out. I recall there only being Survival and Creative, and they both had 2 different IP addresses. I recall sending a random TPA to my first EC “Friend”, a player by the name of Mac, Mac accepted and asked what I needed, I said I had no place to stay and that was when I was invited to Narnia, my first town in EC. Back then Narnia was as active as ever, and I got around to knowing the Mayor, Saso, and eventually gained enough trust that he would allow me to be one of his assistants. A little after 3 more months playing in Narnia Mac, Saso, and the rest of Narnia just kind of went inactive, along with me. An exceedingly long time after that I remembered the server and how amazing the community and towny itself was, so I hopped back on as syth22. I sent messages around asking if I could join a town (I know I was “that person”) then finally a member opened his town to me, his name being kuby22, another one of my great EC friends. Kuby allowed me one plot and really helped me further understand towny and all it really provides, and with time and trust, with the same story as Narnia, I was able to earn the rank Assistant. I was now active again in my EC experience, I had a reason to play now, and by this time factions was just recently introduced, and very unpopular at the time. It had been about another solid month before I had asked Kuby about the possibility about being his Co-Mayor. He was hesitant, because being a Co-Mayor basically means putting your town in someone else’s hands as well. He gave me a towny command quiz and after passing it decided to take a leap of faith and allow me to be KubyLand’s first ever Co-Mayor! After that me and Kuby continued to work on the town, adding a gold farm, a warp shop improvement and various other things that made it so great…then Kuby decided to make a nation, The Kuby Realm! After that Kuby put 500k into the nation and 300k into the town. Soon after Kuby’s donor ran out. He couldn’t rely on his shop for money anymore…then Kuby went inactive, only showing up once monthly for small periods at a time. That’s when I got into prison, and met a few people that really made me feel welcome such as BananaKing105. I made my way up the ranks really fast (Thank you melee49) and eventually ended up in rank F with a plot and neumoruous treasures. This is when my factions addiction began. I started out in /f join Start, I was introduced by Kuby before his absence. In my mind factions was dull and boring, considering there were about 5-8 players on daily. I rolled with it and finally got into my first official faction, with two good friends of mine igra2002 and Jaansher786, we made a decent faction. It continued that way for about 20 days or so, then Jaansher was banned and the faction instantly fell apart. After that I never really touched factions, I focused more on survival and prison. After about 3 weeks I came back and figured I’d give it another go. Another member, DuhMajesticMist was very kind to let me join a faction titled Impulse and spent awhile there, defending from raids and such. After some disagreement I was kicked from the faction and drifted from faction to faction. I eventually made a couple of friends from the number one ranked faction on EC, Deleterious. I made a faction just for me, and they were willing enough to ally me. After helping them lure and tp kill (Allowed of course) and after some heavy convincing to all of their members, I was welcomed into Deleterious, and there began my ever developing faction love. Over the course of being in this faction for about 2 months I think I can say, it’s been very fun. Defending the faction from raids, raiding factions, being raided, and it’s to this day one of my favorite servers. I can say that the EternalCraft community is not a “server” it’s, in terms I’m allowed to display, a family, a working group that builds on the server day by day, and I’m proud to be here today
I dedicate this song for our party:
Well said. EC is a strong community, I love being part of it.
EC… the best server… I can’t imagine my life without EC <3
I know this might be a bit sappy or something like that, but EC has literally been the best experience I’ve had.
The mods are amazing, the community is pleasant (a lot of the time, at least), and I’ve met some really great people on here.
Keep it up everyone, EC has been through some rough crap lately, but we always endure.
<3Happy Anniversary.. Eternal 4 life <333 …
The server itself doesn’t suck, it’s the haters who reside in it that suck.
If haters suck, you must be a vacuum cleaner.
😀 I like that new joke I can convert it into new beta jokes 😮
nicely done there syth! Just keep on soaring high and never fall Eternalcraft!
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