Help! (Don't Panic)


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This topic contains 18 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Furious_Green/Adnan Kanan 9 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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  • #106725 Score: 0


    LOL No offense but I know this doesnt match the topic..
    I always get in a Fight 😛 I Sometimes use Baseball bats or Brass Knuckles.
    Today i smashed Somebody on the ground, and Promised him ill kill him (not literally) in the last week of school, which is after 2 weeks 😛
    And this is also an Explanation of why i MAY not be Very active When the time comes.. But.. I Still wanna Have revenge right? YOLO!

    Your Fellow EC Member, Mubar_ak47!

    #106729 Score: 0

    Beasty . Do as i Did with my English Teacher . Take Him In a Corner. Or somewhere Far From Students . Talk With him in using your reasonable Mod . and Ask him . why (da frikk) chu hate me teacher?,what did i do to you ? im tryin my best t win your Attention and (stuff) .etc
    PS: if your teacher is Kind with others , and hates ya , try to use da above thing i wrote
    If He Is Not , Tell Him That Infront Of Him In Da Middle Of Da Class
    Both Worked with me . trust me
    teachers Loves me (because im da 4th on my top class ) Except da english teacher , But Dats Changed

    #106736 Score: 0


    @Mubar_ak47 you serious m8?!

    Green doing any of those stuff would lead me to suspension for my school ;-;

    #106743 Score: 0

    really ? , dats works in our school

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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