HELP joshy1111 rivertown got griefed


Home Forums Survival Town Gossip HELP joshy1111 rivertown got griefed

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 12 years ago.

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  • #16067 Score: 0


    excuse me for the title but im joshy1111 if you dont know and i got problems my town got griefed by prusslusken he needs to be banned pls i got proof right here ill read you the log 03-03 02:13:38 Prusselusken destroyed iron block i do not know how to copy previews sorry

    #16069 Score: 0


    Is the grief outside of your town or is it within a claimed area of your town? If it is outside your town, it is actually allowed as griefing in the wilderness is okay. But if the grief is actually inside a claimed area of your town, you will need to ask a mod about this. Hope I helped. :)

    #16070 Score: 0


    Explanation wanted

    #16925 Score: 0


    huh? i don’t understand. joshy, be more clear pls.

    what is the iron block?


    #16930 Score: 0


    Joshy why ur town griefed so much?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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