Help me go to Paris!


Home Forums Global EC YouTube Promotion Help me go to Paris!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  x 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #77771 Score: 0


    Hello Guys!

    I haven’t been on in a lifetime now, but I came here to ask for your help.
    It literally takes a couple of seconds.

    Why help me? You don’t have to, but it’s like a itty bitty moment, a glimpse of your life. I love Paris and now the chance has come to go there. But I need points in this voting.

    Here is what you have to do if you are willing to help me:

    Step 1. Click this link:
    Step 2. Scoll down and click “Verkuppeln”.
    Step 3. Pick any person from the collage below (Scroll around a bit to pick a random one).
    Step 4. Scroll down to “Verkuppeln” again and click it.

    It’s a German radio station that is sending 300 people to Paris for a weekend. If I make it, I will do a Thankyou-Video for all my helpers and even count you guys in.

    If you decide to help, I’m more than grateful, if you don’t, its okay as well.

    I might have posted this in the wrong topic, but the offtopic section seems to be lost, so yeaaaaaah…..

    You can add me on skype as well, I will be on vacation for two weeks and have some time to get online.

    See you around guys and thank you for reading this essay!

    Best regards

    #77970 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ???? dating website? WTF?

    #77971 Score: 0


    It is NOT a dating website. But getting the points is connected to being paired off with other people cause its all singles on that train lol. I wouldn’t post some dating shit / porn / virus or whatsoever on EC!
    I’m a long time member, not a douchebag πŸ˜‰

    #77973 Score: 0

    5 pts

    done :) hope it helps :)

    #77976 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Good luck Aki. :)
    Hope you have fun when you win. πŸ˜‰

    #77979 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I know that you’re saying its not a dating website, but ignoring the weirdness of the website, where do I find your ID or name or whatever xD?

    #77981 Score: 0


    The link takes you directly to my profile, below it is a button named “Verkuppeln”, which you have to press. Then pick a random person, I’d also suggest scrolling down a random distance so you find someone I don’t have already paired off with. Simply click that persons picture, then there’s a button named “Verkuppeln” again. Click that and you are done helping me.

    Thanks in advance and to everyone who already voted!

    #77982 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Hi Aki :3

    #77984 Score: 0


    Hello Wave!
    Hope you are well. Long time no see :)

    Well guys, you can feel free to share it with all the other players and make them aware of this, as you’ve seen, it takes a quick moment to help me out, and if you want to do more, go ahead and post it where ever you want, share it with as many friends on facebook, twitter and whatsoever.

    I’m getting closer and got myself on ranking spot 209, which is pretty good, but I’ll have to keep it till the 23rd. So yeah, do what ever you can as I am doing what ever I can right now :)


    #77985 Score: 0


    Good Luck Aki πŸ˜‰

    #77990 Score: 0


    Aki, how come you don’t get on EC very often? I haven’t seen you on for months ._.

    #77993 Score: 0

    Oh… I thought this was for studying abroad… Well… I am going to Paris/Fountainbleau for 10 days to learn more about the French culture and language…

    #114558 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It’s been a year…. Aki did u get to go to Paris?

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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