Help mod's please


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lagendary123 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9036 Score: 0


    Ok i will start straight here as you guys may know i havent been online for some time know so today i logged on and i found the town and my house griefed badly my glowstone was destroyed so i wanna check or see if whos still in the town i did /t and it said your not in a town and BTW
    i am the town’s assistant so i went to open my chest and i cant i really want my stuff back but i dont want to put them all in my inventory cause i have god gear and i dont want to lost them and i have to find another put my chest and i cant put it in the wild cause theres a ton of chest and u sure cant find then without mods like minimap or radar and the worst thing is i accident want to home.but instead i went to my original home point and i cant go back to the town cause.the names complicated and i forgot but.i know who the mayor is its
    Djonne and the other assistant is xxamaixx so i bag yu mods please help find solutions

    #9038 Score: 0


    But i suspect xxamaixx as he is assistant and hes house is the only one that wasnt griefed and djonne doesnt play alot but theres a question can assistant kick assistant?

    #9060 Score: 0


    Pls help

    #9062 Score: 0


    I can, it is likely its him, but always look for real clues, and only the mayor can de-assistant/kick an assistant from the town, look for proof it was him!!! 

    #9072 Score: 0


    I have another conclusion maybe the mayor suspect me.for griefing and kicked me

    #9076 Score: 0


    Hmm then it seems you need to talk to the admins or mods about it.  All griefing in town is a problem.

    #9109 Score: 0


    anymore help this is important i lost everything pls help

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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