hey its los


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  losalio2 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #100701 Score: 0


    lmao , its losalio (first time i logged in for months onto the server! great imrpovements) ,sadly i havent been up to date but why are my chests that had a lot of good stuff now crappy dirt bocks? :”)

    #100727 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Welcome back!

    #100729 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Losalio, what server were you on that your chests had turned to dirt inside?
    And welcome back :)

    #100735 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Welcome back losalio. Chests were turned to dirt a long while back, I think maybe it was a year back? Not sure why, a bug or something perhaps. Back then, you would contact a survival administrator to handle it, not sure what you can do now. I’d still say you should speak to an admin or a headmod about it, though I can’t guarantee you can get your stuff back.

    #100738 Score: 0


    Welcome back losalio. You may know me as “Still”.
    Well yeah,as deasertman stated above,the bug turning chests to dirt happened like 7 months ago.And personally,i don’t think that you will be able to recover your stuff,yet,do confirm it with a Survival Moderator, or simply write the coordinates of the “dirts” here so that a moderator can help even though you are not available.

    #100744 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hello my name is Tavon / Tavon1924
    You may not know me becuase i was new when you left.

    But i hope you have as much as fun you here in EC, once again! 😀

    #100748 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hey losa :) Perhaps you remember me from MG and CR 😀 A lot of stuff happened when you were not here: Peter Erskine has just got a new Tama kit Improvements on MG, reset of PR, changes in Fations.. Hope chu get re-inserted quickly 😉
    #DirtIzKewl #Ain’tGotNo/IGotDirt 😛

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    #100753 Score: 0

    hey losalio, welcome back! you might remember me as hips565, hips5655, miniwolverineX or Zegrilo.

    #100771 Score: 0


    Thanks everyone, hopefully righht now i can try to regain my stuff back, might be a long time though, who knows.i might join the faction server more, i always wanted a factions server at eternalcracked! But… Can anyone explained why my dragon egg turned into a chicken?…lmao

    #100800 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Any chests that were turned to dirt, was a result of a massive world edit mistake by skills641.

    #100808 Score: 0


    wb and hey you probably don’t know me but call me ‘Beast’

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Beast.
    #100992 Score: 0


    actually, i foound 2 chest under my house in my testing area, mostly redstone and fishing stuff sadly

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