Hey, stop it okay? It's going to be alright… I Promise…


Home Forums Survival General discussion Hey, stop it okay? It's going to be alright… I Promise…

This topic contains 36 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #75094 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Well, the same verse is the same as the first, and let me tell you a story. You may not relate since you are in school still, but once you are out of it, you will realize that there will be times that give you a wake-up call. This event has happened to me, I’ve come to realize that I need to just stop and get on with my life. I’m done fighting against procrastination and losing, this is where I put my foot down. Anyways, soon enough that you will go through the same fate as I am, or you’ve already done so. My time has come, unlike the last time I did this, I said I was going to stop by if I ever get the chance, but not this time. This is the last thing I will say and this is the last thing I am doing on this server, and Eternalcracked community.

    I have shared laughs and good times with you all. I don’t regret anything that I have done for you all, even if it wasn’t for the best on my end, and I could of did anything else, but I didn’t stuck with you guys for the time being. As for the server, even if I am gone, the server is in great hands now, and I trust that I will never need to come back again. So, my last words to you all.. hmm.. well, the usual.

    Good luck to you and the choices you make in life. Hope that you find true happiness; I know you will.

    #75095 Score: 0

    14 pts

    NOOOOO :(

    #75097 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Skills, you had your fun with the /mail and /msg stuff recently, and it was really funny.
    We never really communicated, but I always admired you, respected you, and honoured you.
    I hope you have a great life, you helped the EC community out a lot, and I believe you deserve great things because of that, and because of your impact on the people here.

    Other players will have other great memories to have of you, but the 2 I’ll keep in my mind will be:
    – All the stuff with you utilising Dynmap to hunt down players. :’)
    – You making MSN send mail to me asking me if I thought he was beautiful.

    We’ll miss you Skills, we’ll miss you. :(

    #75098 Score: 0


    knock knock
    whos there
    grass who
    who is sane anymore…

    garn </3 now skills :/

    #75099 Score: 0


    Well, goodbye.

    #75100 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    Good luck in life, Bonne Chance! I hope you’re successful with your studies and have a good life, don’t end up like some of us stuck next to a PC hating school and never wanting to get a good life! I wish you well ~

    #75102 Score: 0

    16 pts

    We will all miss you skills. You were the moderator that took responsibility for almost everything, and did all the hard work that everyone couldn’t do. Today won’t be the same without you. Enjoy a great life skills.

    #75103 Score: 0


    no fu im freakin crying now

    ill miss you, and your impossible tests <3

    #75104 Score: 0


    I wil cut u

    #75108 Score: 0


    me rn

    #75111 Score: 0


    Noo skills :(
    We will miss you.. Good luck in real life..

    #75112 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    We’ll miss you Skills641 :( , good luck irl :)

    #75113 Score: 0


    Good luck skills

    But don’t you goddamn break your promise to me.

    #75115 Score: 0


    I cannot believe it… Skills, on of the greatest headmods of all EC is leaving us :( Just remember that you have made EC one of the best enjoyable server.
    We will miss you skills :( You will never be forgoten and your name will always be on the wall of fame.

    #75116 Score: 0


    good luck skills,we will miss u

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