Hey, stop it okay? It's going to be alright… I Promise…


Home Forums Survival General discussion Hey, stop it okay? It's going to be alright… I Promise…

This topic contains 36 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #75118 Score: 0


    Although im upset that he left us , I think what he said its true. There will be a time when the present mods of today will continue and move on in life . And our recruiters would take our place . Maybe not all mods will be leaving. But the majority of them. Skills lead us the way ,we will be needing to push forward . And one day, we will all be leading people who will be lost.

    -Wish you luck Kevin

    #75119 Score: 0


    What? Really? U r leaving? Well I completely understand what u said, as it is going to happen to me in next few months. Well I always liked u. U were one of the best headmods of this server. I really liked the time when u were trying to hit me with fireballs and lightning. We will always remember u. Ur name and head will always remain in warp ma and wall of fame respectively. Hope u have a good life. T_T

    #75121 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Skills, you will be missed in EC forever. Dont forget you have my info, if you ever need anything let me know. You are one of the greatest people I have ever met, and even when its sad to see you go, I think you are making the right choice. Your life is first and dont let the server hold you down, you will become a great person in life. Thank you for all those years you spent with us, I am truly greatful for having the chance to know you and work with you. Good luck! You wont need it though, you are a badass.

    #75123 Score: 0


    Well the only thing I have to say is the fact that me and the whole server will miss you. Anyway I wiss you good luck with your life 😉

    #75125 Score: 0

    13 pts

    We’ll miss you skills..

    We really never communicate frequently..I remember the first time seeing you in the server.I was a Expert Mod back then.when you got promote to Trial I was like wow this kid must be good and all the sudden after 1 month you became a HeadModerator..I was still an ExpertMod I was like WTF? but I notice that you were the right person for the headmod role..I hope you will have a wonderful life,good luck in studies and I hope your coding talent will bring you to a place that suits you.

    *The Best Player I’ve Seen In EternalCracked
    *You Will Always Be Remembered

    #75134 Score: 0


    we will miss ya skills :) , and good luck , i’ll miss the time dats i feel scared every time i see your skin XD hehe 😛 , even tho :/ im was happy to see ya online :3

    Ps: we all will wake up and look for our life :) , but remmber , dont forget da fun time you had with your friends :3

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  88green1.
    #75138 Score: 0


    I almost…cried (facepalm)

    Goodluck on you’re life skills

    -thanks for the help,on everything

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Levisor.
    #75141 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Skilly ;(

    #75142 Score: 0


    Skills :( We’ll miss u, Good luck in irl 😀

    #75143 Score: 0

    If you’re gonna leave, you might as well do so for a good reason. Get a degree. Get a good job. Get married. Get a big house. Produce offspring. Get promoted. Get a better degree. Get a better job. Grow old. Die knowing that you lived a good life.

    #75150 Score: 0

    5 pts

    We will never forget u skills, D:
    Will u ever be online again ? i mean not often but sometimes? once in a month or so…
    Cya and goodLuck In real life

    #75157 Score: 0


    Amazing memories good luck in real life PEACE

    #75168 Score: 0

    20 pts

    We will miss you Skills, good luck, I understand and am happy for you. Again, good luck! :) :'(

    #75169 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Good luck skills, we will miss you. :( (tears of happiness)

    #75171 Score: 0


    Skills, you were a great Head Mod, you were responsible and trustworthy and a great guy to talk to overall
    We never really talked much, but respected you, and honored you and actually looked up to you.
    I hope you have a great life, you helped the EC community out a lot with your ideas and just by coming online and being funny and jolly as you normally are. I wish you the best in life as you deserve, you did a great job in helping EC grow as a community.

    I think everyone will miss you but the one thing I’ll remember is when you were giving me advice about running a town and it helped, thank you a lot for that… Lots of love for you bro.

    We’ll miss you Skills :'(

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)

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