Hg Suggestion


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Toblerone007 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #17102 Score: 0


    Just A Suggestion….

    In hg, i think it would be cool if we could put some diamond armor in Hg  like boots and helmet, maybe a chestplate (just one). To make the game a little more challenging … i have seen several Hg Videos with guys that have daimond armor, i think it would be a cool addition to the Hunger Games

    #17107 Score: 0


    If we did that it might make those items in the chests when someone glitches, while it is rare it is possible to get iron and gol armor in the glitched hg chests

    #17148 Score: 0


    True, is they a way, like when in Hg lobby when you log out then when you get back on  it says that “type /ma leave , or /spawn to leave this place. s there anyway that you could do that with Hg glitchers, like put them there when they try to do that?

    #17149 Score: 0


    Weve been trying to fix hg glitching for ages and still dont have any idea about what we can do, we have had quite a few ideas but nothing worth trying

    #17153 Score: 0


    It just simply won’t happen for now. It will increase HG-Glitching dramatically and that is something we want to prevent! I working at the moment for a fix to the glitch, it involves using Mob Arena codes with the Hg codes, therefore changes what happens when you logout, exactly the same as what happens in Mob Arena. It will take some time but that is what I aim to do, to stop the problem entirely instead of these temporary solutions. If you don’t comprehend what i’m saying then this will;  Theres no such thing as Mob Arena glitching is there? So using that plugins nature on Hunger Games will stop the glitch completely. Logic.

    Wish me luck with this too,


    #17225 Score: 0


    very smart idea tobler, good luck, i hope you find out how

    #17236 Score: 0


    Thankyou for your support.

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