hi all , i wanna know what you think about me and say my problems
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This topic contains 12 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Marshmallow 11 years ago.
Hi all .
my name in minecraft is mod67 and i wanna know what you guys think about meplz if i have problem feel free and say my problem .
wanna ask something? my skype name is ” mod67 ” that 1 from sweden
ty all mod67Well, Ima be honest.
This might be harsh…
I think that you can be a “bit” greedy.
Once survival2 was out, you wanted to make an outpost there, while it was intended for new towns.
But you have PLENTY of space near skyrim.
Also you once made a huge snail trail near many other towns, it looked like your intent was to trap them.
Also, you should improve your English 😛
Your mod app that you made awhile ago was basically your life story on EC, I think you have the wrong idea.
You use “:D” a bit too much.
…I really don’t know what else to say…
/end randomnessI don’t really talk to you a ton but I’ve seen a lot of people complain about towny issues from you, so might wanna change that. (Like claiming, snail trails, etc.)
Well Like randomguy mine will be somewhat harsh:
Your rude.
Often Immature.
You swear a bunch of times on the forums and in game.
You always seem to be the cause to arguments by what people say.
Your English is bad.
You often use caps.That’s what I know so far. So far nothing good about you, sorry. Don’t take this the wrong way. You asked for people to criticize you for your bad actions. So thats what you’ll get.
~Dark Delta
I’ve not herd much about you.. but you can be extremely rude and demanding at times.
like what the others said above :/
I really don’t like to be the bad guy out of things like this, but I feel the need to.
1. Your name is MOD67, strongly indicating you are one of those try-hards who think that if you help once or twice a month you are going to get mod and life will be wonderful.
2. You are rude. I’ve seen plenty of times in chat of you cussing people out, yelling at them, and crying about random crap. If you are going to be a mod, you learn to ignore small stuff like that and focus on contributing to the community.
3. You don’t speak the best English. I don’t know if you have noticed but this server is mainly all English, and requires adequate English to properly help people and explain to them what to do and how to do it.
4. You beg for mod. Not directly as in asking every mod “CAN I BE MOD PLZ I DU GUD.” Its more of indirectly asking for it, as in this post. Most of the things people are saying here are very obvious on what you have done wrong and should change, use some common sense. When all you get are negative responses, it should be pretty obvious to you what your faults are, and that you should change them without having to make a whole post about it.There’s plenty more I want to say, but I’ll just leave at this^.
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
This is harsh but I really find you hard to deal with even though I don’t talk to you much, just observing what you do without a way to ask you kindly to stop is harsh enough.
-As beretta says your name is Mod67….you do act like a try hard at times.
-You are really rude, you have no manners and if you get banned, I wouldn’t even be surprised. You really have bothered a good number of EC members and I really do not like how you do that.
-As random said, you seem greedy. I was quite annoyed with you wanting to take over Survival 2 since I wanted to see what new players could come up with over there instead of having the regulars trash the place.
-I agree with Beretta, I’ve seen you indirectly beg for a moderator spot and it really bugs me that while others try genuinely to help, you only help so you can get something out of it. Which goes back to my point for your greed, you seem to be a power hungry person who only wants to rule over members.
-I remember you arguing about towny, even though you were wrong you still had to drag on the bloody conversation for a good on while jamming mine (and other player’s) screens with nonsense that I didn’t want to see. Sure it doesn’t seem like much, but for some players they use chat for most things and with you cramming it up with nonsense it really is a disturbance to them. This hasn’t happened just once or twice….Is there like a trend in posting these “I want to know what you think about me”?
Well Waveware, a lot of people, including me, really want to understand the problems in them. The easiest way is to create a topic.
when i swear?
i never swear in game or webYesterday, you were arguing with Xav on the chat about having his and Fibi’s head. You spammed the chat so much, dude .-.
well i’m sorry but you’re quite rude to other people and you tend to spam and use caps quite a lot..
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
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