Hi guys :3


Home Forums Survival General discussion Hi guys :3

This topic contains 25 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 10 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
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  • #73450 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Well its better if we dont talk about it

    #73456 Score: 0


    If you have life problems , dont share itnhere. Feel free to add me on skype and we can talk about it. You can find my skype in my profile or just add me : RiverRunner600

    #73499 Score: 0


    WHAT are you talking about MrPvr99? What are you gonna do?

    #73501 Score: 0


    -You need a friend D; . Talk to someone about it, it makes you feel better c: Talk to Riverr , he’s a good friend c:

    #73506 Score: 0

    16 pts


    I don’t think jokes aren’t gunna help him, when he might die.


    This is a one-time decision. IF you’re gunna suicide, you could loose a lot of fun and things from the later parts of your life. If you don’t suicide, one day you’re gunna remember us and be like “it was a good thing i listened to them.” If you don’t suicide, everything is gunna get way better.

    Good luck Mod67

    #73508 Score: 0


    I really hope he is joking otherwise…

    #73712 Score: 0


    If you are joking or not let me just say from what I’ve seen you have a community of friends here for you. They are surely to support you in this time of despair for you. If you are upset, why not talk to them about it? Friends are for that, to be there to support you.

    #73713 Score: 0


    why would you suicide for nothing? Can you tell me what’s wrong?

    #73714 Score: 0


    Just take a pause from EC
    Delete Minecraft lol

    #73718 Score: 0


    If somethings/ones bothering you in your life, talk to someone. Tell someone you trust. For example, a friend, family member or a counsellor (idk). Or you could release your stress by writing what is happening on in a journal or something and write solutions for it if you wanted to.

    #73719 Score: 0

    41 pts

    To be honest:
    I don’t talk about what’s bothering me.
    I just play games/listen to music, and I start to feel fine.
    I know it’s different for others, but that’s how I do it.
    Don’t spent so much time on a single game, or you get bored of it, which ruins the feeling behind playing it.
    I’ve never spoken to Family/Counsellors about things like that.
    Only ever mentioned it to friends, never really spoken about it fully doe…
    Journals are useless (for me at least)
    My typical solution – bottle up the feelings. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS THOUGH!

    I feel like this hasn’t helped, but I just felt like I’d share… #TalesWithSeth

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

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