HO_HO_HO_HO_HO_ Ban Appeal


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal HO_HO_HO_HO_HO_ Ban Appeal


This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #117118 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Full In-Game name :HO_HO_HO_HO_HO_
    Who banned you:my friend said the same guy as sky12/me
    Why you were banned:same (anti-knockbvack hack)
    When you were banned :yesterday
    Why you should be unbanned:same thing as me he is my friend on skype whick is the person im trolling and hes also testing so he got banned except he thought it was fun so he just told me in the skype “i think ill use an other username to go to minigames” so he did it and told me he got banned and said”banned for bypassing ban no appeal” so i thought you could appeal my friend even though it saids no appeal . we also took turns or else we thought we’ll get banned because if we battle each other than something crazy will probably…
    Which server you’re banned from :minigames

    #117119 Score: 0

    1 pt

    so can you unban my friend please? this is the first time we ever griefed the server

    #117125 Score: 0

    20 pts

    “This is the first time we ever griefed the server” So many things wrong with this statement:

    1) Griefing is Griefing, no one cares if it’s your first time or not

    2) Griefing the server is a serious offense

    3) Don’t expect to be unbanned

    4) If the ban message says “No ban appeal” That means you’re done, and that you won’t be unbanned.

    #117132 Score: 0


    I hate anti knockback you should stay ban its a good punishment for you no hackers here

    #117134 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Ronic; It isn’t your decision to say “You should stay banned”

    #117135 Score: 0

    1 pt

    well its my friend so whatever. lol

    #117155 Score: 0

    4 pts


    I banned the player once for anti-knockback hacks, saying to appeal on the forums. Yet instead, he/she decided to join with an alt that had practically the same name as the banned account. There is no pardon for bypassing bans. Sorry.

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