Horse Protection


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Omega 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #26170 Score: 0

    2 pts

    So I sent a bug report to Towny about Horses not being protected, and they more or less told me they’re not interested in fixing it :(

    Also note that in that thread is a good suggestion for fixing the lead bugs which born can implement.

    So I’m suggesting a new plugin I’ve found (but please note i have not tested) called HorseKeep:

    Which can be used to prevent stealing/killing, other horse protection plugins are available, but this seems to be the most advanced and secure.

    #26172 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I like that plugin; unfortunately it doesn’t protect the horse if there is no saddle on it, in which is the real problem… players hopping on the horse, then placing saddle on it, then with this plugin it would be theirs, but it really isn’t.

    #26181 Score: 0


    I like this and you would just have to put a saddle on it right away. We need a plugin like this to keep the horses safe. This plugin also allows u to have a horse tp to you which I think is very nice.

    #26187 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Installed HorseKeep, thanks for the suggestion!

    #26188 Score: 0


    But will the server be laggy?

    #26208 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Oh wow that was fast, still haven’t had time to test it, couple for questions, what settings are being used?
    Can we TP our horses? Has horse damage been turned off? (can disable/enable environmental/other-player/owner damage)

    Also, some guy mentioned on the towny wiki that leads can be set to not usable in towns unless you own the plot or have perms by: “Put the leads into the item_use category, and the lead-block (the fence post with lead on it block) into the switch category.”

    #26210 Score: 0


    Hmmm so I love the plugin, though we don’t have perms for TP’ing our horses, and Horse Damage is still active. However, I was reading over the thread and the guy mentioned how the API for horses’s is missing. I noticed that too on my friend’s server while we were building, but I was able to fix that issue with the bukkit HORSE API.
    Try and contribute this to the community as I don’t want to get involved, and see what they can do with it:

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  Omega.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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