Horse spawn Egg Prices


Home Forums Survival General discussion Horse spawn Egg Prices

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Marxguy245 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #26136 Score: 0


    I have been seeing many people on EC complaining about the prices of the horse spawn eggs. I think it would be a good idea to lower the price to about the same as most spawn eggs, which would be about 2000$. You don’t have to do it, but since I’ve been seeing people complain about it, I’ve figured to make a post. Just a friendly suggestion. :)

    #26140 Score: 0


    well i personaly think who ever put in the price for it at 100k was just on top of there head o thats a good price 100k per eag i mean rlly what an absurd price i mean horses are cool but there prity much useless

    i mean villagers are way more usfull and there only 9k

    so if anything make them 9k per eag or 5k per eag not 100k jesus

    #26143 Score: 0


    Yeah. I agree with you. Horses are more useful than other animals, but not as useful as villagers.

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