How awesome do i feel?


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This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  xxyyxx 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10124 Score: 0


    i started talking with my old Wiz friends (Ed, badboy, others) and i noticed, how much of a boss i am, Homeboys he waiting in line just to shake mah Hand. I feel like da man, and i Know that. Of course, mainly cause life is awesome for me and mainly why i am SUCH A BOSS, I am really loving Eternalcracked. There has been good mods, and there are some good Newer mods that i kinda think fondly of. People like GARN, zac, and Justin_kong. Wez a team, and i like the people in all servers such as Badboy and Herrowkim in CR, and Nhu, Imnew, chibi, shaman, and others in EC. Im also a tekkit Mod. Ever since i came here in Febuaray i felt Opposition and Friends alike. It was the first server i felt in love with. When i finally became a trialmod, it felt like i got shot in the head by Zee_tralala and went to heavon. Boy was it awesome. And Yes guys im somewhat Arrogant. But that is me. I just love how Wonderful life is and how wonderful and greatful i am to be in teh Presence of Born. I owe many thanks to Born, who took me into his team and Making the server(of course) and i would like to thank Chibichuba as he is my main insperation on my views on how i do mah Job. And to the Oppistion… I love them too. Gives me a bigger reason to stay here. to make sure their illegal ways or propaganda stays at put. That is the reason for my awesome mood and “arrogance”. Cuz im happy, homeboy/homegirls.

    #10131 Score: 0


    Wah. Lol nice.

    #10135 Score: 0


    That’s my boy :)

    #10140 Score: 0


    im no little Kiddie, im a MAN. A MAN!(Termanator Voice)


    #10142 Score: 0


    someone explain to me what this meant


    #10145 Score: 0


    This is how one man stands apart from ppl that Hate or are jealous of him, and that they try to kiss buts to try to get him fired yet he is still here fighting for his rite as a mod, many ppl do that to other mods aswell but they dont mention or speak of it  but this man, the man i look upto Ivader_swift had the guts to come here and say “how awesome he feals”, this would be the last thing i’d do in his case that brings me to what a great mod and person he is


    #10147 Score: 0


    dont suck up the irony

    #10148 Score: 0


    he won olv.

    #10149 Score: 0


    I won! woo!

    #10152 Score: 0


    sigh too many anecdotes


    #10153 Score: 0


    da hell? I am just saying how happy i am to be mod and why im so “arrogant… Olv and garn. Did not get the point of it.

    #10251 Score: 0


    Invader youre an immature little bitch

    Suck a bag of dicks

    Go fuck yourself

    #10252 Score: 0


    being arrogant and self centred are synonyms

    #10256 Score: 0


    not really, my man. and bonerwars69(nice name) you shouldnt be talking if you talk with that kind of mouth. and Olv, you just cant take a chill pill. You only did this to me. Never to mike, stop being biased. He done worse then me. Either show some democracy because i have little pity in your acts on trying to defame me on my immaturity. again i told i am cause im a teenager and this is a game i like fun. I may be arrogant, only because i have a life you got a problem with, homes.

    #10257 Score: 0


    what r u talking about? I’m telling you that you tried to tell everyone that oh im arrogant but not self-centered but their the same things thi has nothing to do with mike….


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

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