How awesome do i feel?


Home Forums Survival Town Gossip How awesome do i feel?

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  xxyyxx 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10258 Score: 0


    Nigga youz forreal?


    FIrst mah dude, you stanky….

    Liek deadass

    Secondoff you a fat little bean nigga

    Suck a bag of dicks

    Have buttsex with Volkasoar

    #10259 Score: 0


    who r u boner?…..


    #10260 Score: 0


    and invader a teenager? you just announced that ur so proud that ur 18 now. So ur an adult.

    #10261 Score: 0


    ehh adult smult. You always have a sense of hate on me olv, it aight. but really. It aint the same, olv. The way it goes round if your arrogant you think your awesomer. Self-centered would be like throwing old ladies into a pile of leaves cause you panic and love yourself only. And i am really telling you the truth. i am sick of your words on me. you dont have to talk if it aint positive. Im here to help. and Bonerwars69. calm your tats, cause you aint thug. You all Talk, boner. Olv i see what u said on that trial, and what u said to mike when he left and what u judged me for, was kinda biased. so thanks. THANKS A LOT, olv. I only post how i feel, and you want to grease it up with “Your an adult” im still in high school, man i can be arrested and placed in adult trials, but im still young, and notice the TEEN behind the eight, when you talk about it olv, you keep doing those “…” behind them words to make me look like i am judging, hail no i am. but u gonna act biased and be telling me my wrong doings, then i guess where you are on the ship. And Bonerwars69, stop talking about getting that ****y, cause being like that makes me wonder how u even have a life doing that on a Minecraft forum. Guess your proud huh. i be walking doing my business on the street and come home to this i read something negative from the man from the trial, and the guy who is hiding behind behind a BONERWARS69. Kid, get on my level. U aint gonna tie me down. This Roberto Train just started rocking the Boat, cause my stay here is until this goes down. i aint gonna take away my loyalty by making threats. but stop acting like you got the things covered. U aint on my level, until then make your insults a little more “Older” Boner. Peace Ya’ll



    #16924 Score: 0


    i like invader_swift as he is kind and courteous. also, because of his ‘arrogance’  his town has prospered. being arrogant can lead to falls, but it can also lead to rises.

    P.S. invader, your DAMAN!

    #16926 Score: 0


    however, i notice you’re not online as often? why? cos you’re studying?

    and to ppl who doesn’t support invader, GET A LIFE!

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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