How did u start your business in ec ?


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  stux 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26865 Score: 0


    like what did u do to get money in day 1 then how did u get an idea to make big business and how about making shops and then u become a millionaire or about 60k 70k then 300k and if u didn’t start a business u can go and learn some from the stories will be written thnx for reading hope u post ur story!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  saif33.
    #26875 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Joined with a group of 3 friends total. Joined a town temporarily, 2 players got money at mob arena, while the other gathered resources and built the house. If the town was stable we established by making an underground farm by buying materials to build pistons and have it automated. If the town wasnt stable then we created our own town with the money saved and first thing to do was making a big farm to sustain it.

    #26889 Score: 0


    Thnx for telling ur story born 😀 I hope more people come and write and learn

    #26890 Score: 0


    My story: WILLS!…nuff said 😀
    I wanted to be a lone wolf on the server but I couldn’t do it when I was lacking experience. Wills helped me out even though he was in a separate town. He gave me the supplies I needed and the knowledge I needed to start my business with money and himself whenever I needed help with redstone crap. I was able to figure out what I needed for myself money wise and such.

    Wills still helps to maintain my town since my computer is busted and I can’t play Minecraft for a while -.- . THANKS WILLS 😀

    The experience I gained from him: Keep calm and blame Wills jk jk jk Really though what I actually learned is don’t always be solo and actually get a friend to help you with this business money stuff.

    #26935 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Its a long story, basically gonna tell my story in server.

    My first 2 weeks I was a noob and lived in wild. But then, server was going to update and wipe wilderness so we had to put our items in the “ark”. I stored them there but when I came back a week later the ark was gone… This was the first time I lost all my stuff.

    Then I decided to try other approach and joined ikillaz’s town, but it was boring so I joined happytown. There I worked hard and made a nice house, but so far I didnt have any money.

    Then I had the idea to make a melon farm. As I’m lazy, i didnt want to make it the conventional way. I created a first generation design of what we call today ‘melon rain’ farms. Unfortunately it was complicated and I could only get $1500 a day. Back then I thought $10k was a fortune, lol. I was amazed on how Christ had millions.

    Sadly, though, server got maps corrupted and many plots returned to nature, including mine. This was the 2nd time I lost all my stuff.

    On a second thought, starting from scratch again was a good thing, cause it made me create other ways of getting money and resources. I started to sell enchanted items after I learned how to do it. At this time I became assistant and even wrote a tutorial for noob residents:

    I also improved the design of the raining melon farm to what it is today and got to make 10k a day with it at the time. With time passing by, I accumulated $2,5 million. But then Christ stopped playing and I had to take on his work in town.

    I started to spend a lot on town to make roads, plots, new buildings, public farms for residents, etc. Soon my fortune was decreasing fast.

    Again, the necessity made me create other solutions again. I put hoppers in my melon farm and greatly expanded it. The result is that today it makes 50k-100k a day.

    Even though I got this source of income, that didnt prevent me on reaching $0 again. This is also because I buy a lot of things thinking of it as an investiment.

    I would have already become a millionaire again if I didnt start my new gold farm project, which has cost me $1 million so far.

    I would say I’ve spent about $6-10 million since ever.

    Im planning on buying donor to make a shop. If it works, the sky is the limit.

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