How did you get your nickname?


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  • #25759 Score: 0


    Random post, but I’ve been wondering about some people’s nicknames, and could not figure out how they would ever in the world come up with it.

    For me, a Beretta 92g was the first gun I had ever shot, and usually it was already taken, so I would add 3 or 33 to the end of it. How bout you?

    #25760 Score: 0


    Well, my nickname Toni303 was made like this.
    In real life my name is Toni (not Tony), and 303 was a time of day when I wanted to make it (03:03 pm).

    #25763 Score: 0


    Well it started when I was 3 or 4 years old, it was a word my undeveloped toddler brain came up with; and would say quite often. The first time I used it was I believe an online Hotwheels game some time in 2001 or 2002. My dad had my username and password written down by that desk for that game, and a few years later I came back to it to use it completely around 2009.

    #25764 Score: 0


    Xavier is my real name and the 3479 are my favorite numbers.


    #25766 Score: 0


    Daniel is my real name and the xing comes from “cross”-ing in streets.

    #25767 Score: 0


    Well, first of all I love video games and secondly I love the sound of clicking and the word click itself. It just sort of came together for me.

    #25768 Score: 0


    Delta/Delta Gundam/Delta Plus/Delta Kai
    All my nicknames since I like the Delta MS series
    Also I got stalked on another server by someone so I had my spare acc so I stuck with Delta Plus

    #25778 Score: 0


    I was stressed when finding a name that was cool, so I just typed ‘StressXD’ and later it became ‘Stress’.

    #25779 Score: 0


    i used to have a premium account called danthepiggy, but i lost it. Didn’t like the piggy behind danthe and racer was the first thing that popped in my head so it became dantheracer for my cracked username.

    #25783 Score: 0

    1 pt

    allnatural was my sister’s friend’s username that I played “Webkinz” on when I was 4 or something. I liked baseball back then (like alot) so it became allbaseball. 7’s my favorite number, so I put 77 on the end.

    and allbaseball77 was born!

    #25784 Score: 0


    My name is Macomatic. The way I founded my name was when I would make accounts for things. I needed a usename. Marco is my real name. It popped into my head, “Macomatic”. I have used that name ever since.

    #25786 Score: 0


    Um… well, I’ll do all 5 of my accounts.

    1.) theroyalnicksterI was 6, and in one of those school plays, we had to make our own names. I was a king, so I made mine ‘The Royal Nick’. Somehow, it changed into theroyalnickster. (Also that was mah Roblox name when I played it)

    2.) booface16Well, I was bored at one point. My original username plan was (i forgot) but it was taken.I was like “Meh, I’m gonna think of a random name’ and voilà booface16 appeared.

    3.) abbyis11Made this when my sister was 11. ‘Nuff said.

    4.) Gh0sT8Between you and me, I just chose the name and a skin came up. Now SHHHHHHH!

    5.) YoMamasMinecraft Read above. Except I watched him and chose his name!

    So, yeah, like, thats it! ;D

    #26671 Score: 0

    1 pt

    mine is after the stuxnet virus

    #26672 Score: 0


    My one…its weird…
    I wanted my name to be PerfectHerfect but…I randomly putted a name..*Woggy_Moggs* AND NOW some ppl like diddypoop calls me a Woggyless woggy…*BAD*

    #26673 Score: 0


    Here are my usernames.
    zevguns- I used to watch a lot of reality shows on TV. My favourite was “The Amazing Race”. One of the contestant that was really good was Zev. Unfortunately, he got 4th. He really inspired me and so my name got made. So grab your guns people and brace yourselves, zev is here >:)

    Sheep_Shape- I used this account as I thought Sheep and Shape were two really close words. (Try saying it as fast as you can) I gave it to my brother on May 2013.

    Aleutianfox- You remember MeetTheVoid. We were classmates with 3 other friends, ruiscute, xXArcticFoxX and revolutionaryfox. We decided that we should all be foxes. So Void made up Shadowfox and after researching on the Ring of Fire for my tuition work, I came up with Aleutianfox. My new channel:
    Note: Shadowfox is no longer Void. It is his brother’s now.

    And A Secret to Tell You Guys.
    My 4th account is SquidthekidRS. XD
    I made it for fun and cause havoc. But since many of the players were constantly screaming “I hate you Squid. Sky Army!!!!!” And they were spamming the chat I thought it was best to let that account go. If anyone would like this account, I would gladly change the password for you 😉

    So yeah, Crazy Stories. THE MORE YOU KNOW…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Zevguns.
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