how to do to lock my house


Home Forums Survival General discussion how to do to lock my house

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  xPhoenixlordx 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31452 Score: 0



    #31453 Score: 0


    … /lock your doors

    #31454 Score: 0


    If you are building in a town, you should not worry. Only the assistants or mayor can open it.
    If you are building in the wild, get a town. I’m srs.

    #31461 Score: 0


    Your house should automatically lock when you place a block in your plot, if you are trying to lock a door, chest, or furnace it should automatically lock at you place it

    #31463 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Actually, Doors and Trapdoors are unlocked by default, need to manually lock them with /lock

    Most things that store items Chests/Furnace/Dispenser/Dropper/Hopper/Brewing-Stand/etc can also be locked with /lock some are locked by default like chests.

    Some things can only be locked by placing a sign on them to lock them, it’s also commonly used to “claim” mob-spawners. Some blocks can only have signs placed on them by holding shift then clicking on them, like anvils.

    However this can break functionality of some items too, Anvils become unusable even by the person who placed the sign unless you remove the sign first.

    If you lock things in the wilderness Herobrine will take your firstborn child, raise him as his own, and have him kill everyone you ever loved in horrible unspeakable ways before finally killing you in the most dreaded way, he’ll kill you by ***REDACTED, TOO AWFUL TO READ***

    #31468 Score: 0

    2 pts

    ticketinggoblin You should join a town so none can grief it.
    Just say in general chat: “Can i Plz Join a town?” Most mayors would like new members into their towns.
    BUT if you really want to lock your house put signs no one can destroy that block or lock you doors. If it is underground you can put lava traps or buy obsidian and make a house outta that.
    to get oney do /ma j then right click a class and wait untill it starts kill the mobs then you can get money. You can also get money by getting farm crops for example wheat,melon slices,pumpkin,cocoa beans and sugar cane!
    I hope that helped

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