how to sell items on survival???


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  BloonsMaster 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72017 Score: 0


    can someone help me?
    when i type /sell on survival they show me that need write
    /sell item:id:hand:inventory:blocks> [-][amount]
    what its mean?
    item: i know
    id: i think my username
    hand: ???
    inventory: ???
    blocks: ???

    can anyone show example?


    #72018 Score: 0


    zaltis the items you can sell on survival are only farming items (melons, pumkins, carrots, potatoes, sugar canes, cactus) and rotten flesh. To sell them you just “hold them in your hand” and you type: /sell hand

    Note: This will sell every ame item that you have in your inventory

    Here are the prices:

    melons –> 3$ per piece
    pumkins –> 10$ per piece
    carrots –> 4$ per piece
    potatoes –> 4$ per piece
    sugar canes –> 3$ per piece
    cactus –> 5$ per piece
    rotten flesh –> 0.10$ per piece

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  ZznabelaA.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  ZznabelaA.
    #72021 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Just to be more clear I know some of the others.

    /sell item:id:hand:inventory:blocks> [-][amount]

    For example you want to sell 64 melons, do /sell melon 64, if you want to sell all the melons in your inventory do /sell melon, /sell hand is basically just selling the item that you are currently holding. /sell [id] it means selling an item by its number ID, (1=Stone). And ./sell blocks are not really useful in this part of thing since you can only sell certain things and they are categorized as a farming item here.

    #72023 Score: 0



    #72030 Score: 0

    16 pts

    /sell item:id:hand:inventory:blocks> [-][amount]

    Up there isn’t a very complex command, its actually use colons to indicate those are different variants.
    /sell item translates to /sell (melon or anything like that)
    /sell id translates to /sell (what are you trying to sell’s id)
    /sell hand translates to /sell (what you’re holding)
    /sell inventory translates to /sell (the entire inventory’s sellable items)
    /sell blocks translates to /sell (all the blocks

    P.S. ZznabelaA, you missed netherwart and cocoa beans
    Netherwart – 5 dollars
    Cocoa beans – 3 dollars

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #72062 Score: 0


    you guys missed the best one, Raw fish sells for $20

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