How'd you discover it?
This topic contains 19 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by DemacianCrafter 9 years, 8 months ago.
How did you discover Eternalcraft? I discovered it because I was looking for cracked servers on May 28th, 2014. I first found this junk server that didn’t have rules or moderation, so I quit that one quickly. I then went back to the “Cracked Server List” And found Eternalcraft. I thought it looked fun, so I tried it. I was originally looking for Hunger Games servers, and I thought “Survival” was that ;P So, I ended up getting too obsessed with survival to remember what I wanted to do originally. So, here we are today, one year and 16 days later ;P
I discovered this server by my brother “Just361”
toto361(first account) Tito361 and then Mr_Tito361
Almost 3 years playing this server.I was a huge noob at the time and just discovered that cracked multiplayer was a thing. So I started looking around for a cracked server and honestly didn’t like any of them except for EC. Since I never played Survival I joined CR for about a week, then I had the guts to try out Survival. Here I am now, 2 years later. 😛
I’d been playing Minecraft for a year or so before finding EC, was mainly playing on a local server with a few friends for minigames and other such things.
I’d grown sick of just playing Minigames though, and a friend told me about a server he found (He showed me him playing it, and it look rather boring), so rather than playing that, I’d searched Google for some servers, didn’t find any I could play, then realised I needed to be searching for “cracked” servers instead of just regular servers.
A little while after searching for some cracked servers, I found EC, so I joined it on my original account ‘megaSeth010’.
I wasn’t one of those people that joins a server then instantly start acting like “giv me op or i ban ur srvr lol”, I was, from memory, rather rule-abiding.
For Christmas of 2012 (I think), I’d taken a few weeks off EC, and by the time I came back to EC it was with a premium account which many should know by now, my current account, ‘megaSeth020’.
I’d chosen the name because, well, it was 1 number different than my original.Yay for answering the topic question, plus a little bit of not very well described backstory.
AnonymousHuh, what a great question…
Be prepared to listen to a long list of history…
I was first introduced to this game by my brother when my school year ended on 2012, about Halloween 2012, when Minecraft just updated to the Pretty Scary Update (1.4.2), from then, i played singleplayer (as a dumbass) and built a weird hotel made out of gem blocks and everything else, with the starting point from a church building in a village.
When my very weird hotel (made with brother) almost finished, we almost ran out of ideas. I also got bored with singleplayer, so i decided to find some servers. There were many servers, i tried all of them (with a very bad computer at that time), and soon decided that eternal craft is the best. I joined survival and being a dumbass not knowing how it works. After that, i rage quit (for some reason) and joined creative. There i built tons of stuffs, made lots of friends (who are actually long-lost friends…) and to my surprise, a Trial Mod rank. Unfortunately, after some mishaps, i got demoted and quit the server for ‘life?’…
From then on, my memories of the server dissolved quickly and i forgot everything… However on my birthday the same year, since my streaming exams ended (This decides what National Exams i take which determines my future), i had no games to play other than minecraft, so i decided to re-enter the server, but soon got tired of creative, so i moved into (at that time, 2013) arenas (present day hungergames) and minigames (self-explantory). Both somehow also bored me out and i permanently moved into survival.
From then, i established myself in a pretty darn good town (Thanks Australia). I made brand new friends (and i wonder where all my creative and survival pals went to?) and flourish into one of the great members. However, like the other servers, i got bored out and dont know what to do anymore. Within this period, my brother also quit minecraft, to move on with other FPS games, leaving me to carry the legacy ahead…
However, in May 2014, when my mid-year exams just ended, a brand new server, prison opened, i tried the server out, it was kinda good, even the maps of the old prison is still in my head (the same for some other maps, i think survival and arenas…). Unfortunately, thanks to jttt3 (Tom -.-), i had a very rough start, and almost migrated back, but with determination, and a month of holidays, i immediately started working towards freedom, and eventually to prestige as of now. This is the server i am mostly in nowadays, but the past servers are historical, and to be honest, i still prefer 1.5.2 Eternal Craft compared to 1.8.7 Eternal Craft…
Not too soon, in June/July 2014 (forgot the exact date…), factions opened, again i tried it, but even more rocky starts occured, including betrayal, soon i outraged it and migrated back to prison. With some invitation months later, factions became much easier, and becomes my semi-playground. With the recent update to 1.8.7, factions got a wipe out reset. As of now, i am staying away from factions due to limited agenda, and more work to be done in prison…
So there it is, the entire story up to June 2014…
Hope you enjoy it, and lets share our experiences together, shall we?
Umm…mine is pretty short. I had just gotten minecraft and my friend, Omega, told me about some server he was staff on. I tried it out and it was fun, but my computer lagged crazily when I played minecraft so I took a long break (little did I know that the computer didn’t have a graphics card or GPU :P).
But then I got a better computer, and started playing again. Omega was like, “go back on EC” so I did and here I am.
Pretty exciting, huh
I used to play on a skyblock server until some guy invited me to a server named EternalCraft to show off his build on Creative. I started building, and I was like “cool server, I like it”. At that time, survival and create chat was joined, and survival and creative had two different IPs. So I was starting to get really bored and confused, when Nhu told me the IP to survival. That’s when I joined SV, and the rest is history.
At 9th November 2013.. I downloaded cracked Minecraft.. Same day, I found this server on a video and the my journey began
I think me and Ender found this server by Youtube or The Cracked server list
I discovered this server because Waveware told me to join it.
I used to search a server in youtube. Then i found this. Then i played cr,for 6 months . then i moved to sv for 4 months. Then went to mg to get banned to hax. Then i stopped hax and played pr… ☺
Mine was quite funny tbh because i started in pr and played pr almost entirely in EC and this is how i found it,
I was just a noob at minecraft so I played in singleplayer for like a month and then popi told me he played mc as well so i asked him to look up for some servers so we could meet up so he looked up for some servers and found this one, at first we were so stupid in the hub that we dont even know how to connect to a server xD so we tried the buttons(old hub) then clicked the signs and it was pr so there it goes, our pr adventure started from rank A and worked up higher and higher, most of my friends are from pr and some of them have left the server, there were great members and friends that helped me then i gave factions and survival a try i got addicted to survival tbh then left the pr server cold when i was rank A and started to make friends in sv after a long while of helping out my town i returned to prison and made a fresh start, i continued to rank F then G then H then I think i was the fastest person to rankup from H to I it took me only an hour or 2 and there it goes on then soon i went to L where i finally had first hand experience of L mine, and with the help of melee i ranked up to free and joined own’s town ;D thats mah storeh
AnonymousWhen did you join the server?
AnonymousBumping this, lets hear more stories from everyone, shall we?
Wow, so many great stories. It’s amazing how many people EC has touched. So for those who don’t know it, before EC the server was a revival of an old server called whocraft. I was a donor and town mayor back then and decided to revive the server when it died. It was hard to learn how to manage the server and getting people to follow me and get mods/get rid of negative mods, but it was worth it.
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