How'd you discover it?


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This topic contains 19 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  DemacianCrafter 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #113118 Score: 0


    Pls sir pls born tell us more

    #113121 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Born, you deserve the prize of the server and the members, donor and mods of each branch. <3

    #113123 Score: 0


    It was on the Adventure Update 1.8 Beta, i downloaded cracked Minecraft, it was amazing, i played only singleplayer, which was cool, then, by 1.4 i got pretty bored of it, and used LAN wth friends, around 1.5 i was searching for cracked servers, found this one on a video about a 24/7 cracked server for 1.5, and joined CR with the account of a Spanish youtuber, pagoru was this account, i still have it, i think, i had to stop using it because of a GREAT bug, i got stuck in a cave below the hub, and then, when i realized there was no way out, i made another account, ABlasterCat, it’s a pretty long history thought, i was pretty impressed when suddenly everyone started speaking spanish, to the date, i still play on this awesome server, some months ago, i changed my account to simo_the_limo, cause of skin, and that’s it.

    #113174 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Bump ;3

    #113179 Score: 0


    Well, I’ll tell yah my Demacian story..
    That was May 16th when I went to the Computer Cafe near our house. I was about to play League Of Legends when my friends told me that I should try playing Minecraft. At first, I said, “Minecraft is for babies. Poor graphics, corny thingies, etc.” But as I watched my friends have fun, I decided to play with them. They invited me to play in Singleplayer and I had fun being chased by zombies (I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead so the zombie feature is the first thing that I liked.) Then I heard them saying this server named “EternalCraft” and decided to play in it. So basically, the first time I went to EC is also the first time to play MC. I was a real big noob that time. Those friends were BornLegendXD and asdminer49. My first server is SV. I joined the town, -Vongola-, and still is my town. I met new neighbours, madatoman, mobkiller09876, fedfed345, etc. Our mayor is tako. The first time I was killed in the wild, I was really mad and I even cursed the server. That was also the first warn I’ve ever received, and that was from Skills641. Then I understood that killing players in the wild is legal. I continued my journey on and not so long ago, I got my first temp ban cuz’ of bypassing from TheHighOreo. Well, that was not my fault. Then I decided to become a good and obedient player. My journey went on till now. I must say, I really had fun with those peeps that I’ve met. I learned a lot from random people and EC has been a big part of my life.These types of questions make me feel refreshed about the memories I’ve made with EC and I hope that I can stay forever with EC. Long Live EC!!!

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