HUB mods


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #111030 Score: 0


    I registered two new alts and tried registering another AGAIN i got the same message that i have exceeded my alt limit or something like that and then i tried to log in with my OLD alts that are all unregistered some how so i tried registering them AGAIN and they wont register either.
    Thanks for the help

    #111063 Score: 0


    Hello :D!

    I do not understand your problem.
    you want to recover your old alts?

    if so, to new accounts you’ve created, go and put / unregister <password> and you can register your old accounts again!

    #111064 Score: 0


    Alllll my old accounts are already unregistered and I can’t register THEM again or any other

    #111066 Score: 0


    I think if you can. try to do

    #115628 Score: 0

    7 pts

    You just registered two new alts, you means you now have 3 or more accounts. There may be users you have registered that you forgot about.

    Also, you aren’t allowed to create alts for another /kit start.

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