Hunger games lobby (Recommendation)


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Hunger games lobby (Recommendation)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20399 Score: 0

    13 pts

    We all love the game that is hunger games in EC but when we die or just joined but other arenas is full in the heat of combat we the people waiting for an empty arena is bored. so why not add a small park-our map in the lobby, as I noticed the lobby is extremely boring and dull it’s just a large room with bedrock walls, if you add a little jumping puzzle to past the time or an swimming pool maybe ? this is just a recommendation but I would appreciate if this was noticed by some major mods or even the owner Born

    Thank you for your time

    By Waveware

    #20401 Score: 0


    thats a great idea wave ;D


    #20403 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I think thats pretty good idea. I will try to fit it to lobby

    #20754 Score: 0


    You can’t get to the end of the parkour…

    Make it more intereasting habla

    #20755 Score: 0


    It is the best idea EVER!!!

    #20756 Score: 0


    I have been in that parkour jumping puzzle and it’s kinda… laim…

    Make the lobby more higher to allow the parkour puzzle be more bigger and more challanging.

    #20761 Score: 0


    Toni, are you on the server to parkour, or to play hungergames? , also i’ll be making a warp were you can go to play parkour, with more parkour puzzles etc, but like i said the lobby is just a small place to wait for arenas to open, there is no need to have to make a bigger lobby, just so you can jump arround and feal like a monkey.

    #20763 Score: 0


    Maybe adding more arenas?

    #20765 Score: 0


    Recon, we will be adding more arenas soon. They are all uniquely made we don’t download them from other people, I make them, well ive made arena 1 and 2, habla made 3 , and im working on them so they can be unique and that only E.C has them


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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