HungerGame Rewards


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sippy 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3701 Score: 0


    I believe if u win like so many times or something u should be reward like 500$ of like a golden apple when startin next round of hg if u catch what im sayin it be more of something to fight for


    #3702 Score: 0


    i agree   some people work so hard on winning Hg  but never win anything for it  i think like if u win u should at least get 500$ or 300$

    #3703 Score: 0


    ive won 134 times and i got no rewards XD


    #3704 Score: 0


    Sry guys, vote down. We have enough methods to earn money. That’s Mob killing and harvesting. If we get a reward for every won hunger games, everyone would play hunger games then.

    Harvesting and Mob killing is enough.


    #3705 Score: 0


    But that doesn them like a lot of money and some people like the HG a lot and a fun way to earn money to play HG so i dont see why u vote down u might get bored of killing mobs and etc. in HG the players change so it always diffent

    #3706 Score: 0


    If that is allowed then ppl would  buy stuff all the time!

    This is a survival server for gosh sake!

    #3747 Score: 0


    Tht why they could set kits tht could be bought and i dont think  some people [play on the survial part of the server i dont mainly so i could save up like 20k to start with leather armor and a stone sword  it doesnt mean there going to abuse the money btw people do buy stuff all the time

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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