HurricaneGZ's Return


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  iKiLLAHZ 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8861 Score: 0


    Hello guys! How you all doin’? Let me introduce myself again (JUST IN CASE), my name is HurricaneGZ.

    So… I might be coming back after the 27th November or slightly after that (GMT +8)  time. And may i ask, that i get updated on what is happening now or what’s gonna happen? Cause the town iKiLLAHZ used to had changed it’s mayor and idk where he is now. I’ve missed alot of things, especially my old mates.

    Oh and i will be creating some videos on youtube regarding this server, not gonna say what because umm.. Idk :p (It’s not gonna be just a video like last time, but imma use my webcam and headset, some sort of commentary xD) So, stay tuned after 27th November – 6th December. I’ll post my things here just below this post.


    FB: Satay Battlefood (Subscribe, or add as friend)

    Twitter: RealHurricaneGZ (Follow or whatever, mention me your IGN)

    Youtube: OfficialHurricaneGZ (Up, but no vids yet. Look on it after 27th November)

    #8863 Score: 0


    Glad to see you coming back, Hurricane. :)

    #8877 Score: 0


    oh about that, The town was too inactive and griefed so i decided to make a new one. You can join it… Ive been debating to take the current town, unclaim land and reclaim in a new area, But alot of people would have to compromise their homes in the process (griefers) so im waiting.

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