I actually need a mod in this one,


Home Forums Survival General discussion I actually need a mod in this one,

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #48535 Score: 0


    Like I said ealier but alot of people didnt read and its past 1 day so imma repost. Apparently I have bought over 11 embassy’s at GodVille. This town runs by Lucca2010. He actually by right tricked me on the automated melon farm i built. He said he will give me discount if I let him use my farm. After I built a tower, he suddenly put his town not public. I felt like he is trying to not let me use my own farm!. Thanks to TheGroarkes, he helped me find the town I was struggling to find. After that, he locked the trap door to go into the chest I have to collect melons from. Yes, I asked Fibijean to unlock the trap door but she said there was a problem I forgot she can’t open it yet. I bought over 20 stacks of piston worth nearly 600k!!!. While building, it was luccas turn to build. So he did build it but he lied to me. He said theres no more pistons. I had discovered he used all the other pistons to make his own farm in his plot he thought ill never know. The 16 stacks of iron I bought was suddenly missing so I thought he must’ve use it on hoppers and extra pistons. Well, he did not!!! He used it on alot of iron blocks for the beacon in his town spawn !!. I literally felt like I was being a puppet of Lucca2010. TheButcher told me to make a report as I and he thinks he has gone a little to far. He is actually used all my 700k for his bloody shit for his town. I hope you all can understand this bruttal matter to me . I need a mod help in this one for sure!!…. @Borncorp @Skillz

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  Mongus.
    #48538 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ive seen you there building it but do you have proof or screenies?

    #48547 Score: 0


    Next time mongus, just bump your topic.

    #48552 Score: 0


    It would be nice if you had screenshots so we would know it was %100 true.

    #48555 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Gather screenshots next time, if you do not have proof, the mods can’t and will not do anything about it.

    Next time building on someone else’s town, check his/her reputation of previous acts or trouble.

    #48577 Score: 0

    14 pts

    u can use /lb tool and check if lucca took away items from ur chest

    use the lb tool on the CHEST

    #48579 Score: 0




    #48581 Score: 0

    3 pts

    He didn’t threaten you, you gave him the pistons, you knew exactly what his complete intentions were when giving them. He clearly said that he is going to use them for his own melon farm. As for the non public town, I have no idea.

    No, he did not use the iron ingots to make the iron blocks for beacon. Since you cleared out your pistons from your plot. He wanted to report you for griefing, but since it was your plot, you have the right to do that. As for the pistons, you clearly trusted him with the pistons. So, from this whole issue, Nothing is going to happen.

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