I am so sorry, please unban me.


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I am so sorry, please unban me.

This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  shaman97 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #16326 Score: 0


    I was on eternal cracked and I confess I was HG glitching, but I really want to be unbanned. I feel terrible about what I did and I should never do it again.

    I really want another chance because I am a proud owner of a town, which I really love and take care of, eternal cracked is the only server where I can play with my friends. They are not online much, but I still get to play with them. Since what I did got me banned from my favourite server in the world I feel so stupid, not having eternal cracked anymore makes me feel like I can’t play minecraft anymore at all.

    What I did is very bad and I regret doing it a lot.
    I just hope you can forgive me and unban me.


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by  beekoba.
    #16346 Score: 0


    I say Vote Down, you should have seen everyone else doing it and getting banned. why would you also do it?

    #16351 Score: 0


    I Say Vote Up Cause Everyone Deserves A Second Chance.

    #16356 Score: 0


    Guys i’m really sorry about what I did, it was a huge mistake to do that. I know I may not deserve to be let back on Eternal Cracked, but if you do unban me that would really mean a lot.

    #16365 Score: 0


    Give him 1 more chance.  He might have not knew HG glitching was against the rules, so let him have just 1 more chance.

    #16376 Score: 0


    Vote: Up. He seems sincerely grief stricken about what he did. If someone apologizes as nicely and as thoroughly as he has done I feel as though they should get a second chance.

    #16380 Score: 0


    Thanks White_Shadow1 that really means a lot.

    #16381 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote Up!

    #16399 Score: 0


    I agree with everyone but Thunderaxe.

    Thunderaxe, beekoba really wants to go on this server. He broke the rules but the reason why he did it is because he didnt know HG glitchig was against the rules.

    I know this is my second post, but I say vote up twice! beekoba is my good friend and I really want him back on the server.

    #16402 Score: 0


    IAmfriendo it is seriously the most obvious thing in existance that hg glitching is not allowed becoz the moment u do /hg join There are 5 signs saying ‘Hg Glitching  Now Results In Perma Ban’  If he did not take the time to read these signs then it is his own fault and will stay banned until further notice

    #16405 Score: 0


    A good unban appeal. You recognised your mistake but not knowing this is prohibited is no excuse. I feel i can only concur with the unban if you are sincere, which is proven by this appeal in my opinion.

    Good luck,


    #16562 Score: 0


    You have been unbanned.

    100k penalty imposed and glitcher tag, removing your hg privileges. 

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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