i been thinking


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #80574 Score: 0

    12 pts

    i been thinking but own7ge is right they need to come back but i say they dont need to its no way xav will put them back so maybe something like this we can have a sword with our rank kits but its harder to get but still its cool to have something like that bc shivs are geting hard to make im just saying liek wtf im in I almost J and i dont have what is needs to make them its geting hard guys
    or if not kit swords then more op things in bc the rank book are geting old to me now bc its nothing for me to do in them just geting porrer and poorer by the day trying to make something that i cant even kill someone with then if i did he/she will hae nothing good for me to use it can be sword kits or more op items

    #80582 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I totally 100% agree with u

    #80624 Score: 0


    I definitely 10000000000% agree with you tavon.



    #80626 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I aggree 1000000000000000000% Tavon! 😀

    #80670 Score: 0

    12 pts

    yea something like that will be cool to have because soon we all are going to be poor i stop makeing shivs when i was like at rank G “i was like dude i cant do this im going to be way to poor” now some ppl have no prob by makeing MoDs shivs and etc but some of us DO! then its more ranks here TOO! no just no its going to be hard like way to hard its going to be harder to get money and its going to be harder to get it anyways like some ppl may know this i play prison ALOT so you may think oh he is way to op no im not i cant even kill a rank A guy if i wanted to bc i cant do anything with the books now if i have stop trying to rank up were will i be now who knows maybe G or F still just bc im trying to work hard as i can geting OPer by the day but some way i cant work it out for my self so yea….

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