I can't receive money.


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report I can't receive money.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MrShtuffs 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #16669 Score: 0


    I spent a few hours setting up a shop, and sold nearly all of my most expensive items, multiple stacks of emeralds, iron, diamond armour and tools, xp bottles, donor items e.c.t…… when my new shop was nearly sold out i checked my balance and it hadn’t changed.

    Not only have my time and items been wasted but other peoples money who helped me try to get out of debt as a result of the fine i was given. Please, i must have lost very close to 1 million credits now as a result of a mistake that i wasn’t even aware was against the rules.

    Please help.


    #16670 Score: 0


    I am a donor i expected the shop to work, i also did (/sell hand) on a lot of items and people sent me credits to help me. My town has kindly set tax to free, so my plots aren’t griefed because of my inability to receive credits.  Can someone resolve this issue for me, i feel i’ve been treated unjustly.

    #16671 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I am glad you get to still play, it is a lot better than losing everything

    #16672 Score: 0


    Are you still banned skills? If the issue isn’t resolved soon i probably will loose everything i’ve built too.

    #16673 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Yea, wither just wants me banned, making anything he can up, then believing it xD

    He truly believes that I wanted to get you banned, that’s how sad it is

    #16675 Score: 0


    It was my fault really that i got banned, my momma always said,  “if something sounds too good to be true it probably is.” haha. I should have questioned weather or not it was against the rules to enchant stacked items. But then again, on the other hand i didn’t see any rules on signs in the server or on the forum ‘rules’ section against the action so why would  i question something that happens naturally when buying items from the /scs plugin if no warnings are given or shown.

    I know you wouldn’t want me to get banned dude, plus if you did you must be one hell of a chess player, lol. That’d take some serious planning and clever use of suggestion, giving that you showed me a stack of unstackables a week or so ago.

    P.s. you make some good points in your ‘server rules suggestions’ thread.

    #16676 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I am gonna check on this tomorrow.  In the meanwhile I added 500k to your balance.

    #16678 Score: 0


    Thanks borncorp, i feel a bit more at ease now.

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