I died…?? Combat tag?! Refund.


Home Forums Prison Help! Something oopsd! I died…?? Combat tag?! Refund.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #110353 Score: 0

    5 pts

    So i was in prison pvping as usual… I went to spawn to see what was happening, i touched a guy, then the server kicked me. I Btw, knew this was going to happen, so i took some screenshots, Hope i get refunded.
    Also if ur asking me “how” did i know that i was going to get kicked, well the server h8s me and has kicked me alot of times before when i was pvping. The whole server stopped moving and then it said something that i have been kicked.

    I by the way, didnt manage to take screenshots of all the items, but gladly, i took the screens of important ones.
    List of the items that i lost:
    1)Whole rank L kit
    2)RankL sharp 15 sword
    4)28 J dartss
    5)5 J cures
    6)Furious Pick
    7)64 RankJ Pickpockets
    Thats all


    #110357 Score: 0


    Wow, are you a Psychic? You forsaw a combatlog on yourself… I dont think there is a refund for poor internet or something…

    #110363 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    “So i was in prison pvping as usual… I went to spawn to see what was happening, i touched a guy, then the server kicked me.” Pretty sure u lagged out

    #110366 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sorry.. But like what Eres said above, we cannot refund you because you got disconnected by your own internet connection. We will only refund if it was a server side lag or if it was a bug.

    Next time if you are lagging, it is better not to PvP, especially if you knew it was gonna happen.

    Question Answered – Topic Closed.
    If you have any questions, you can send me a Private Message.

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