i dont know ho banned me
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This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by takoballball 11 years, 4 months ago.
i got banned i duuno why pls look a t this bann appeal fast i got banend becuase of luring even do i didnt i even didnt see the pci that i lured so maybe some rando mmods got payed or is a friend of pyscho9 becuase i killed him dthen i got bnned for one day what the heck i didnt even lure tehre is no screenshot i saw that i lured so pls check this fast
someitme i think i hate this server there was once i got scammed by mongus and lonewolf saw the pic he didnt put scammer sign on mongus what the fudge and now they banend me for one day what the heck? i think there is favoritism if nhu u can see this or any high mods talk to otehr mods.
http://basalthorodium.imgur.com/all/ the site of my ics
Warp i dont want to see u accusing mods of favourtism
1) Its only 1 day, your making it worse by coming on as different accounts
2) Use proper spelling please, I can’t make out what some of this is saying :/
3) Your images aren’t publicly available so you need to check your imgur settings
4) If you want to do a ban appeal, use the proper template please :/Warp we have proof Psycho9 showed me screens and showed me his logs of it, We temp banned you until a higher rank could give you a lurer tag and take back the items Psycho9 lost and by making more alts and bypassing your temp ban you are making it worse.Once we get a higher mod on you will be unbanned and given your tag so calm down.
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by
i know and i understand but what i dont understand is why dont they show me the pics im the lurer as what u said and why dont i deserve to see the pics and even once mongus scamed me why didnt he get scammer sign even do thelonewolf saw it and one more hting whenever u see a new player join eternalcracked.com u banned them i knwo i created accounts for hwat for asking questions only did i even say badwords and insult u when i created a new acc and plus i dont know much in posting pics so later im going to post it in this topic so w8 for a while. plus i accept taht i lured but how about mongus he scammed me did any mod help meand plus lonewolf helped me oh yeh i remember but did he get scammer sign no. tthast all
http://basalthorodium.imgur.com/all/ here are thepics
the pics is already there teh site is aboved check it
Warp you have been unbanned.
I just saw your topic in the forums about Mongus scamming.
He said and I quote ‘because of your lack of proof, you need to wait for a head mod to check chat.’
You didn’t have any screenshots, so he didn’t have sufficient evidence to give Mongus the scammer tag. Also, he helped you. He didn’t say ‘oh i’m not going to give Mongus the tag because you don’t have proof’, he said ‘you need to wait for a head mod to check chat.’ Hes just saying he can’t do anything at the moment and you neeed to wait for a higher ranking mod.
Theres no favouritism in this, so don’t take things the wrong way when they don’t go the way you want it to
Warp the mods doesn’t do favoritism. So don’t accuse them of it! Mongus did get scammer so don’t worry.
wave the problem is that mongus’s tag was because of another thing. meaning that warp would have lost money on that thing. Based on the screens warp, U claimed that u are in a safe spot that there is no pvp. Making him think thats its safe. So yea its somewhat luring? telling him that its safe. Im disappointed that u used the /t spawn for this kind of purpose. Pls refrain from doing that and use ur own plot
seriously I don’t understand what is ur problem btw >.<
dude… really its one day… and, thats definetly luring
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by
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