I don't know if i was banned or if the sever is down


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I don't know if i was banned or if the sever is down

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 12 years ago.

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  • #16144 Score: 0


    Its says I Am not whitelisted on the sever.

    I have never done anything wrong.

    I keep to myself and even help out everyone I can.

    #16150 Score: 0


    it was because of the server’s problems. the mods had to solve it. so in order to not make this server a faulty one while everyone was playing, they had to stop ppl from playing it. it should work after a few hours, keep on trying.

    #16159 Score: 0


    You are not banned the server was just closed and only selected people were allowed on

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