I Don't really know what to call my topics.


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Skipper7478 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64978 Score: 0


    So, (So is always the starting of my topics) I’m applying for mod in 3 months if I feel like I’m ready. If I don’t, then 9 Months after the 3 months finish from today (1/5/14). Down below, (Yes, I know I posted one of these before but the replies didn’t make sense ._.) Please leave your opinion of me down below. A major popularity of people will say I have a bad anger management. I already know that and I’m working on it.

    I’m going to give you… RULES… to reply

    1. Offending me down below is not allowed 😮 try to say whatever you’re trying to say in a nice way (Only a rule because I’m 9 years old)
    2. Do not argue down in the replies.
    3. (Not really a rule) I will be replying to each opinion about me and if you don’t like it then eat butter.



    #64979 Score: 0


    ” I have a bad anger management. I already know that and I’m working on it.”
    Why not wait till you fix it and then create your mod application? Though i haven’t come online these 1.5 weeks. So im am just judging based on the last few times i saw you. Aaaand i felt that not much have changed since your past few mod apps so…
    sorry but Vote down
    Oh and learn from your past mistakes pls

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  takoballball.
    #64982 Score: 0


    Your temper and what you say when your angry. Pretty mature for your age but try to mature up a little better. If your criticized you should be able to know how to handle it without getting mad. To become a moderator you need to have a level headed attitude the whole time. Work on those. There could be other things that need to be worked on but these are MANDATORY that need to be worked on.

    #64984 Score: 0


    Mizo, honestly I don’t feel you are anywhere ready for a moderator’s position. As said by already 2 people you have a bad temper problem. We don’t need wild horses for mods. If you can fix that then good. If you are currently working on it then I don’t think you are near ready. Second of all everytime you screw up, you keep hiding behind the fact you are 9. We are looking for mods that own up to their own mistakes and accept the fact they did something wrong, not say “Oh I’m 9 years old” Finally you’ve already failed at making the maximum of 3 MOD APPS. Pretty sure you’ve lost your chance already.

    In essence I don’t think you are near ready.

    #65005 Score: 0


    mizo one thing that you should know as a moderator is you cannot hide from your mistakes and youre flaws. people are imperfect and never were perfect to begin with. and btw what do you mean as to the first rule and the last?
    I think you should really stop looking for sympathy in everyone just cuz youre 9.

    #65009 Score: 0


    I agree with tako and deltaplus.

    #65013 Score: 0


    “1. Offending me down below is not allowed try to say whatever you’re trying to say in a nice way (Only a rule because I’m 9 years old)”
    These 2 statements are contradictory. I don’t get the point of this topic. You are basically asking people to say nice things about you. If you really want their honest constructive criticism, you should be willing to accept your flaws and be willing to allow people to point them out they feel you need to work on.

    #65015 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I’m pretty sure what he meant was that say the bad things in a nice way unlike : “You swearer!” But like, “I think you swear too much and you have to inprove yourself by stop doing it.” That was an example.

    I think what you have to think most is being active in the forums. The others are already mentioned.

    #65018 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I’d have to say “craziness”.

    What do you mean by this?

    What I mean is that yer crazy. Basically, in chat, your talking like “I’m better dan all ye”, but then when you get warned or like “Please stop talkin like that, dude”, ye say “But I’m just 9 :”(“. This pisses me off, because its like the same as saying, “I’m on this server”.

    What the heck is that last rule for! Soz, basically, yer saying how ye act, and that last rule proves it. It basically means to me that if I said something opposing to ye, yer gunna try to take me on.

    Final thing, why are you making posts about things like ‘I need to wait 2 more months to make another mod app :(“. You become mod when you are ready to become one.

    #65024 Score: 0

    1 pt

    if you apply and get mod you will be the youngest moderator.. what was that other guys name that was expert for like 7 months 😀

    #65035 Score: 0

    3 pts


    I don’t see you that much, so I can’t really say anything, but I agree with Max. I remember sometimes you almost disrespected players who were swearing in the CR.

    ~Drumming Davis {DD}

    #65228 Score: 0


    Lol. You crack me up… So what if you are 9? I’m 400! Lol, okay bye.
    /Face plant/
    And is your name pronounced Mee-doe-zas-pee?

    #65233 Score: 0


    I know this has been said by everyone but heck I might as well say it. You ahve a temper issue. If that was the only thing holding you back from becoming mod then that would be good. BUT the thing that really irks me is not that you have a temper issue, but that you seem to think that ‘because im 9’ is a legitimate reason to wipe away your mistakes. Im going to be honest here, so sorry if I sound harsh. We do not really take into consideration the fact that you are 9. You make mistakes. everyone does. One of the things that seperares people from one another when gping dor mod is that they can own up to their mistakes and improve on it. Also, your first rule contradicts what you are saying. You want people to give their honest opinion, but you dont want them saying negative things. Thats really another test of your maturity. You have to be prepared for the fact that people will criticise you. Its a fact of life. Also, what delta said about the max nimber of mod apps. Dont be discouraged though, if you work towards improving yoirself one day it may happen! But sorry, at the moment I just dont think youre ready

    #65240 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry dude, but I think your inmature for the following reasons:
    1. The fact that you griefed a house and said “its a joke”
    2. You keep on making mod apps and keep getting them denied.
    3. You have broke several rules.
    4. You keep insisting that what you say is right when you know your wrong, you only do that to feel superior.
    5. For the reason above you rhink your superior than other people when your not, everybody is equal.
    6. You often use the excuse of “im only 9” for example qhen you griefed the house you said this “i was joking, im only 9″… Im 11… Only 2 yeara older than you and I could use that excuse but i dont because its useless and stupid.
    7. Your temper… Work on your temper…
    And yes, I know that some of these reasons apply to me too, for example that ive broke several rules and insisted on something that was wrong.
    But that doesnt mean that you cant change, of you qork enough maybe youll achive what you want qhich in this case is get mod. Prove to me and to everyone what you can do.
    Good luck.


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