I don't think so!


Home Forums Factions General Discussion I don't think so!

This topic contains 21 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #86888 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I hear Faction Dark got ban/demoted on faction today, you want to know went down?

    Me Ali and Siver Got in by mining it was a block that was missing so we got in I die by Ze and jadon714 killed him and I came back and killed him so he left so me mist leo Ulaa dark and wither/etc got online and got in the base so we started to use eggs and raid the loots and etc so Ze made it were we can tp back in the base if we die so mist sethomed home there and we started to get get eggs from wither somehow he had like 30eggs but we used them and got some of the loot but not all of it.

    So I don’t know, I really don’t think Dark had to get ban for nothing but what I will say is that UlaaaaCx was flying for like 15s then stop but think they did spawned a wither boss

    So I really hope dark gets unban.

    #86890 Score: 0

    20 pts

    U wot? This makes no sense. Why was dark banned!?

    #86909 Score: 0



    #86910 Score: 0


    Dark D:

    #86911 Score: 0


    Use punctuation -.-

    #86913 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Evidence suggests Dark was involved, as he unwhitelisted Wither, also Ula did the same thing minutes later. The whole thing is a mess and its disappointing to see someone we trusted doing this.

    #86915 Score: 0


    Did leonard901 write this, it looks very promising he wrote it XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    #86917 Score: 0

    3 pts

    (Dark = DarkDelta) Ehm, tav, no offense but I think he can stand up and defend himself alone.. Apparently, it’s born who banned him (webchat!), so I’m pretty sure there’s a reason. 😛

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    Edit: Does it happen for me only? Replies on topic show up like 4 mins after, or when I post one..

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Dicedead.
    #86920 Score: 0


    Thought you meant DarkKnightz

    #86921 Score: 0


    DarkDelta and Ulaaaa abused their powers.

    #86924 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I think so.

    #86925 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Dark was involved in an attack on factions along with another mod (ula) and a few members.. all have been perm banned

    #86926 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Tavon, it is litterly impossible to “mine” into the base. Because 5 people made a trench around the base making sure of no holes, no connect caves, and invincibility. Plus adding slabs to render sand cannons useless. There is no way tk get in other than tping to someone inside or someone making a hole in the base, which I doubt since all of our members are trutrustworthy.

    So Dark spawned a wither boss? There is only two ways to spawn one, build one and /mob it. Builing it is impossible to do, since it is faction land, and /mob? Surprise he and his mates were OP.

    Tavon, I know you’ll miss DarkDelta giving you does OP stuff but deal with it.If anything, he deserves to be banned for

    #86928 Score: 0


    Ye,and here im being accused of making a hole in the faction when i didn’t even do that.I wasn’t even at home for 2 days..

    #86930 Score: 0

    1 pt

    we have logs of dark performing the command “/top” about 3 times which practically lets you go through blocks to the top

    don’t know why he was using it but he was demoted for oping 2 of his friends and attempting to ban wither.

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