i got banned for saying i had hack mod but i didnt get time to say it was a mod


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal i got banned for saying i had hack mod but i didnt get time to say it was a mod

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #79595 Score: 0


    i got banned for saying i hade a hack mod but i didnt get time to say it was just a mod showcase i did like 1 day ago and i also didnt get to say i delited it and i didnt now what to do can you please unban me
    it was a big misunder standing i promise i never hack dood promise
    i was banned by DarkKnightz17 my username is jerome43926

    #79597 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Ok, If you ever have a reputation of having a hacked client, people will suspect you of hacking more than other people. You brought upon yourself this reputation therefore you have to pay the price.

    #79599 Score: 0


    You need this template to be unbanned

    In-game name (with right caps):
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):
    Who banned you:
    Why you should be unbanned:

    #79600 Score: 0


    i got banned from prison by DarkKnightz17 and i sead i hade a hack mod but didnt have time to say it was just a mod shocase and i deleted it and used it on tecnuci luncher but i never hack on server’s people who are crazy hack i dont
    PROMISE please belive me :-:

    #79607 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Please use the template

    In-game name (with right caps):
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):
    Who banned you:
    Why you should be unbanned:

    #79609 Score: 0


    my username:jerome43926 .why im banned: saying i hacked
    i am banned in :prison DarkKnightz17 banned me
    and i should be unbanned couse i was going to say i hade a hack mod but i didnt get chance to say it was a mod showcase and i deleted the mod 1 day ago and it was on single player and the mod just give’s you lots of health and adds like 32 mobs Thats why i should be unbanned it was just toulking about a mod showcase but i didnt have time to say it was a mod showcase

    #79613 Score: 0

    2 pts


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