I got temp banned then it moved to perma idk y


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal I got temp banned then it moved to perma idk y

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Killakingg 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #132379 Score: 0


    Please help me I got temp banned for telling jm that my stuff disappeared and he said I was lying (I still want to talk to him about it) but that’s a 1 day ban and I’m fine with that I got upset but got over it once the time was up I tried to log in it said I was banned like permanently I was told no reason whatsoever and I had no reason to be banned please tell me and unban me I would like help to figure out this situation it’s really making me mad but I would really like to know why I even got perma banned I never broke a rule or cheated

    #132387 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Can you screenshot the ban message?

    #132388 Score: 0


    Yes thank you for responding so quickly it means a lot 😀

    #132389 Score: 0


    How do I send a picture?

    #132390 Score: 0

    12 pts

    You can imgue.com

    #132391 Score: 0



    #132392 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Go to imgur.com
    And you’ll see a title name “, Upload ” Just hit that and go to your .Minecraft

    If you don’t understand how it works. Just look it up on YouTube.

    #132396 Score: 0


    How do I clockspeed

    #132406 Score: 0


    Try logging to Prison server and when the ban reason message says in then chat, press “F2” button. After that, go to imgur and create an account, if you don’t have one. Then click “Upload”, after that you go to .minecraft > screenshots folder and drag the screenshot of the ban reason message. After that, upload the picture and paste the link on your reply. I hope this helps you. 😉

    #132416 Score: 0


    Or you can use lightshot join the game and when you need to screen something press PrntScr on your keyboard
    and copy the link here

    #132458 Score: 0


    @_kg_ You got banned for saying you were a hacker.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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