I guess my time has come


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I guess my time has come

This topic contains 50 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #16597 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Well, during my confession to shaman of what I did, and nhu. I came clean and put gave them what I had in which was illegal to have on the server. At the time, I didn’t know, but that was last week, now that I am fully aware. I did not do any “duplication” of any kind ever since, except showing other mods like nhu to help resolve this problem. We all came to an understanding, then I get banned from another mod that wasn’t aware.

    hmm… well, let me know on any other further details. Hopefully, our agreement didn’t become invalid. If so, it was fun being on the server, had some laughs and jolly good times, and I wish for the best for the community of Eternal Cracked :)

    #16601 Score: 0

    3 pts

    This is a ban appeal, probably should of put that in the title

    #16602 Score: 0


    Is the ban regarding the exploit you mentioned in your ‘server rules suggestion’ thread?

    #16604 Score: 0


    You have chests after chests of stacked potions, using the stacked water bottles you had. Wither also claims you encouraged him to sell water bottles in his shop, to attain more stacked water bottles to dupe more potions with only few ingredients.

    #16606 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I can define his ban:

    1. He asked me to Fill water bottles and then sell them to him for a PRICE.

    2. Buying water bottles in Showcase when holding shift for a STACK created 1 stack of 64 water of potion

    3. This is a glitch that i was not know and i was “tricked” into doing this.

    4. Skills, i want already suspicting this 3 days ago from you. You know you did this and ur excuse was “shaman already know about this” and this was a lie.

    5. VOTE DOWN, tricked doner and also abuse a glitch


    mrShtuffs, i also know how u got banned. I know u are in my town, but did skills tell u do something for him or what. I heard u mention his name on your ban appeal.

    #16608 Score: 0

    14 pts

    also what shaman said……

    #16609 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Yes, shaman, this was before all the chaos happened, after that, I cancelled my agreement with wither since it is breaking the rules. Ever since we talked shaman I didn’t do any duplication of any kind, except nhu wanted to know how it worked, so that was it after that.

    #16612 Score: 0


    You did not inform me of the stacked potions above your house.

    #16615 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies….

    Before i even noticed about u asking me to get the water bottles, u already abuse this glitch already. I know this from the mods when i reported this issue.

    Then, u ask me to get the water bottles for u and scs sell it. I didn’t really think too much of u and i thought u were lazy like u said “help me fill these bottles, i am lazy, make a price and i buy it and u get profit”…….. This was ur first time telling me this

    The next time, u ask me to fill more bottles, i did take ur bottles, but then i had to go all of a sudden, and then i was on mobile. Everytime i was online, u asked me, “can i have my bottles” and i respond to you,” not now, on mobile” and u said “okay later when u get on”…THIS was your second time

    on the first time, i had no clue about WTF u are doing. didn’t think too much about profit and i won’t make a lot with 5$ each bottles with water. The issue is not about money, it’s about you abusing a glitch 2 times. You first lied to me and now you are lying again…..

    #16617 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Sorry about that, I was mostly focused on the items that are given from anvils, and I asked you about the stacked water bottles that you were fully aware of, and you said it was fine. If you said it wasn’t I would of gave the the other potions as well. I did tell you that it was for personal use only, not pvp, and I did keep my word.

    #16618 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Pretty sure, i am not stupid and i know what i sell. I only don’t care about stuff inside my shop and i jsut restock them, but u literally asked me to sell these for u and this is not a MISTAKE. I am pretty sure u didn’t say a single word about cancelling this agreement. Anyways, i still have ur bottles as before and u didn’t tell me about cancelling. U just simple ask, “can i have it back” and i replied “i am on mobile”. This is just a fact about what i am doing and simply does NOT define that i am cannceling the aggrement with u or u cannceling with me as well.

    P.S.: we checked the logs, don’t make shaman do extra work to get back then and put the chat up, i was online and i am not stupid….

    #16620 Score: 0

    3 pts

    and wither, when I said ” can i have my bottles?” I wanted my glass bottles back, i had no intention of wanting them from your stand

    #16622 Score: 0


    damn every one getting banned my the duplication stuff.

    #16624 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Shaman, Chibi, Born, or Someone…..

    It have really came to my attention. About potiosn things, when they go and pvp and they die, others collect their stuff. This issue have been occuring for a long time and pretty damn hard to trace down. OTHER PEOPLE IN EC are collecting dumped items and they are using or getting it. Idk how, but i think these items need to be removed sooner or later. MOre and more people are hacking and scs is causing a lot of trouble.

    #16625 Score: 0


    Wither, in response to your question before, skills641 did show me how to stack the items in game but in my unban request thread i just meant, i only realized enchanting  stacked items was an offence after reading skills thread on ‘server rules suggestions’ after i was banned.

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