I guess my time has come
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This topic contains 50 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by borncorp 11 years, 11 months ago.
Okay,mrShtffs, i will defend u from this, i knew this happened. I will report this ASAP to a head mod and explain this. Do u mind telling more information on this forum here so i can get more evidence to tell mods.
The gear/tool/weapons are the biggest ones, potions just got sucked into it, by sucked into it I mean, only the Harming II potion is the only problem players have.
1. Lying to Mods
2. Lying to Doner
3. Lying literally and not admitting the truth
4. Making excuses and said “i cancelled the agreement”
5. I don’t brew potions, takes too long and i BUY THEM
6. Tricking ANOTHER DONER into dumping and got them banned
7. YOU SHOULD BE A SHAMED OF YOURSELFU tricked me, lied to mod, tricked mrstuffs and got him banned, what else you got to hide…….. I need mod to double check this NOW ASAP.
skills i thought i told u not to teach ppl how to dup?
Skills and Assassin_King_ are both in this…..
Assassin_King_ i think u are involved and u will get a suspension with an invesgation….. Admit the truth and u have a better chance….. NOW
r u a mod?
dont think so so stop shouting dam dude r u in yur period?
also im already banned so yea and i already admited so get yur facts straight. have u ever heard this saying dont say anything bad if u dont know?
Number 1. If u are referring as period in girls, NO, inappropriate content and will not describe this.
Number 2. I am a boy and not a girl and also not a mod as well.
Number 3. Still, even if u are banned, u can skype each other and u could have told him there. You teach skills how to dump?……
i said u have a period cause i was making fun of u cause i know yur a boy and making u sound like a girl lol yur dumb
……… I’ll take that as a complement
Wither, what did I do to you? I never tricked you, you knew it was for potions.
MrShtuffs is my friend too, I feel the same way as you
After I knew duplicating was illegal after gunsmith and Assassin got banned, I confessed to shaman and came clean.
I thought you would get the hint wither, when you kept integrating me, when I told you, I just wanted my glass bottles back, because I don’t want to get more sand.
But seriously wither, why do you hate me?
1. I believe in second chances so i am a nice guy so i don’t hate.
2. U did get mrshtuffs banned right after he got Diamond rank. (if u have diamond rank, won’t u feel the same)
3. I know that water bottles are for potions DUhhhhh
4. U said “shaman already know about this” and think you would get awawy…. i total disagree with this part… If u know, then explain why u did it again. When u told shaman this, it was before i sold those bottles to u.he hates cause hes in his period so that means he hates everyone. and correction gunsmith did not dup i did, he got banned cause of suspicion cause i shared chest with him ith the dup stuff. and also skills i heard u rat me out y did u tell shaman i dup i thought we were cool. wither hates gunsmith cause gunsmith was the one who caught wither fly pvping so thats y he hates gunsmith so hes against him.
u do know that mrshtuffs got unbanned right? get yur facts straight hes unbanned.
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