i have been seeing alot of hate


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  • #82768 Score: 0

    12 pts

    i have been seeing a lot of hate on me i don’t know but i don’t like it any more i had to report 5ppl in one day now you never seen that befor on EC i don’t know why ppl hate me because its funny those ppl who hate me i have help them befor like i got a report comeing later on this one guy who spam and use lang on me i have warn him but he made me do it its been a long time whne the last time i have been warn/mute so yea that’s good for me i have been a good player to all the ppl on EC but what i get back is a “f*** you or you eat a di*k and etc that is kinda of stuff makes me sad and mad at the same time i can see if some ppl did it a few times but i have like 20 reports on here most of them are about ppl using lang on me or spamers or im just reporting a shop in/warp bm but when it comes to faction CV SV MG i don’t get hate at all but when it comes to prison i get all the hate what that guy said to me last night made me go and cry in my room i was relly sad about what he had said i had nothing else to i had two things get mute or go report and i pick good report i don’t try to be mean to ANY players on EC its just they be mean to me i have talked to noiseEbay about some things and he said a lot of stuff that i knew he said start making friends well no one LIKES me helf of the mods on prison don’t even like me i don’t know why but theres players out there who like me and that’s all i have to say :/ if you have a prob about something go tell a firend about it, it will make you feel 100% better or a mod can be even better but if you tell someone about your pobs he/she will always help you feel better :)

    #82776 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You treat other ppl the same way. I suggest you fix ur attitude and other’s will fix theirs too. You wanted to make fun of me, but i played it off with sarcasm…

    #82778 Score: 0


    Hey tavon…
    Alot of people dont like you for a reason, maybe because the way you act, I’ve seen you treat other people bad, also discuss with mods and saying “try me” or stuff like that…
    So if you want people to respect you, respect other first.

    #82779 Score: 0


    Like what wither said, if you treat them nicer than you are being treated, they might change because if bullies are not getting the reaction they are wanting out of you, which is to see you suffer. Just be nice to whom ever does that to you and hopefully they might stop, its not for sure they will but just hope for the best and only time can tell what will happen. But if were not to work, let a mod know on that server and have proof and they will get punished big time because bulling is not tolerated on this server, Good luck.


    #82783 Score: 0

    20 pts

    My opinion is {Dont take it wrong} that you are a very nice person until someone does something annoying to you. Anyway, scale of 1 to 10, I would say around 7. 😀

    #82793 Score: 0


    Like what everyone said, theres a lot of reasons why you get a lot of hate tavon, I have countless reasons why, Like wither said, Fix Your attitude and people will fix theirs.

    #82794 Score: 0


    What goes around comes around.

    #82797 Score: 0

    12 pts

    guys i have been a good player but there be ppl who kinda make me mad some times like they will ask for money many times like lets say this “ho can i have some money so i can rankup i relly want to get to F+” then i will tell he/she this ” no sorry i cant give you any money i want to rankup as well” then it comes to spaming then lang and etc like what wither said he did ask me/us for mnoey one day but we all said no so did I i forgot what i said to wither that made him left i be nice to ppl but not like “giveing them money” if i relly did that i will have to give all of you money and god knows i dont feel like doing that and theers more reasons why ppl hate me i can kinda see it from mods to but not all the way i dont try to make fun of ppl i relly dont i try to be nice to ppl but get this guysIM NOT RICH but when it comes to commands and stuff i’ll help you for sure! and i have respect for ALL PLAYERS IN ECi dont cure if your mean or nice i will still give you respect but i dont get respect back and guys whne i was the bad tavon back then i always use to say stuff like oh try me oh lets see who will die stuff like that but now i try not to say thingas like that theers ppl right now who dont respect me but i respect them if i can see that from you guys i will love it

    now i want to see something from you guys

    give me a i like you or i dont like you.

    #82798 Score: 0


    First of all, from what I’ve seen, you sometimes start the fight. Don’t go declaring yourself as a good player. No one is a good player unless skills base then yes. But attitude wise…don’t even say it. No one should self proclaim themselves as a good player since we all have our ugly side and we’ve all probably shown it. Second of all from what Wither said, yes…what goes around comes around. I’ve seen the way you treat people. I don’t deny you are nice to some but to others you aren’t. These people probably treat you bad because you’ve offended them in some way. Third people making you mad…now that’s a pathetic excuse to go breaking the rules of respect. I for one hate it when people say someone made me mad so I yelled at them back. It basically means I’m exempt from rules because I’m pissed off. Be the mature one. If they are being an idiot and throwing insults at you, don’t even say anything, screenshot it, and report it. The end! Thats the mature approach, don’t be like Ima report you or shut up or whatever. Just be silent. You’d be giving them what they want by being upset or angry. Besides we have a /ignore command for a reason. If someone is being a dick and you can’t handle it, TADA ignored. Fourth you really should watch your hubris/arrogance. I know this topic is purely on what you are trying to figure out so I will give you some insight. Watch the arrogance …its annoying. Personally if you are arrogant in front of me, you won’t have to worry about anything in your life like life insurance, where you want to go to college etc…because you are about to die. Arrogance makes others feel like shit. You are the type that likes to tell about your achievements. Nothing wrong with that. But when you are going to use it to brag then you should take that pride and shove it down your throat. No one likes a bragger.

    When a person is a dick to you, realize they have their own problems they are currently facing and that they are taking it out on you. Most bullies/people are like that. Don’t be upset, just realize that they are insecure or uncomfortable about something. If it gets bad, report it. And if it gets really bad /ignore will do the job. If you feel really bad, go and get off the server and do something else. Being on the server is not important if it means some jerk is on making you feel bad. Just get off and relax.

    If they’re trolls, realize they are sad and have no life and then repeat what is above.

    Don’t cry…watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHI5y64vGTM

    #82800 Score: 0

    12 pts

    MSN First of all i dont brag if i do im sorry but to i dont call it bragger its just how i see it and i know if someone is being a di@k do/ignore duh you thnik i wont do that i have a list of ppl who i ignore its just some ppl i never seen/knew who is being a di@k a guy thinks he has all the balls in the world to talk shit about me mhm i dont think so back then i use to be a assh@le now im not and thats good to hear but what i get is a “oh fuck you tavon you suck balls” like sry i dont have time for bs if never said i was going to be good i will have been ban by now and im sry.

    and MSN i never stop playing EC so ppl think that im a dumb ass for playing EC for like 72hours and dont go to sleep now if i want to play a fav server that i love let me play it then dont look at me like oh this guy dont have a life or something wtf he can just play this for 72hours wow what a dumb ass this guy has no life like sry i do have a life its just some days out of the week i have alot of free time so why not use it and now i think about one mod use lang on me but this was a long time ago but if only i had proof for the mods

    and MSN i never relax all i do is chill and play with you guys for a long time.

    #82801 Score: 0

    12 pts
    #82807 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Honestly, I doubt you’re on for 72 hours straight.
    Yes, you may have free time, but not 72 hours…
    Plus you’ve said you’re 16, so you’d more than likely have school.
    Also, if people think you’re a dumbass, then don’t worry about it; I used to play EC Surv from restart to restart, and I can tell people would’ve thought I didn’t have a life, but I honestly didn’t give a crap what people thought negatively about me.
    I don’t mean to be rude, but you should work on your punctuation/grammar a bit…
    If someone is using offensive language toward yourself, just ignore them and don’t pay any attention towards what they are saying and do not take such content personally.

    if you have a prob about something go tell a firend about it, it will make you feel 100% better

    That doesn’t work for me, just saying.

    MSN First of all i dont brag if i do im sorry but to i dont call it bragger its just how i see it and i know if someone is being a di@k do/ignore duh you thnik i wont do that

    “duh you thnik i wont do that that” that’s a rather rude response…

    #82810 Score: 0

    13 pts

    tavon, sometimes, being right doesn’t make you the best person for someone to like.

    No one cares if you’re a good player, especially when you’re a bad person.

    You may have paid a couple of people ingame money, But that doesn’t buy you their friendship

    Sleep deprivation can cause unusual emotional patterns, I suggest getting some sleep.

    Tavon, all I have to say is that, don’t be ignorant, meaning that you think are the most righteous person in the server while ignoring all other input from other people. If you want to be the center of everything, Go play singleplayer then. Be part of a community, Exchange ideas, communicate, respect each other, discussions.

    #82813 Score: 0

    Tavon, you are a really nice guy. In my opinion, you’re a good player, but you have two things that make me want to stab you with a pitchfork.

    1. You brag a looooot. Either it’s how you’re a good player, how high your rank is in Prison, how many reports you made, or this, or that. No one likes a braggart.

    2. No offense, but your English is worse than my dad’s. “Reechaard, coom heer end geet mee vodka bottel.” Your knowledge of grammar, especially apostrophes, periods, and commas, is null. Strange as it sounds, it makes you sound like you’re whining all the time. Or excited in a bad way. Hit the English books, son.

    Also, what Wavey said is correct. Do not reject other players’ opinions, accept them and learn from them as much as you can, for these are of the most experienced, knowledgable people when it comes to not having a life.

    And guys, don’t say Tavon ain’t a good player. He’s nice once you get to know him.

    #82818 Score: 0

    12 pts

    now Richard is right im am a nice guy and you guys kinda right like 50% I do brag a lot I don’t know why I keep doing lol but I will try to stop it and keep doing what im doing and move on with my life things like reporting about players/warp bm bugs etc

    Now megaSeth020 I only did this once you have said Honestly, I doubt you’re on for 72 hours straight.
    Yes, you may have free time, but not 72 hours… now I have did this only one time I know I have been online for 72hours well not the full time maybe about 60 something hours and btw you guys im only 12 :P:P hehee

    moveing on now Waveware I don’t sleep I just got done playing CoD4 all night with some peepers and if I did even sleep it will be about 4hours or so but I call that a cat nap 😛 I see you guys have been trying to make me sleep for a long time well its not working when im offline i’ll be on my Xbox360 or on Skype or on youtube for 7hours…. or just on the forums.

    but with that being said im just a 12year old who trys not to brag that’s all

    now now im seeing im starting to not cure what ppl “think of me ” I will just keep reporting and with for Nov10/meh Bday and make this mod app and move on 😀

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