i have been seeing alot of hate
This topic contains 26 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by 2Federal 10 years, 4 months ago.
“now now im seeing im starting to not cure what ppl “think of me ” I will just keep reporting and with for Nov10/meh Bday and make this mod app and move on”
Is that kinda advertise a mod app?
hmm don’t think so O.o well if it is im sorry ._.
It’s not really advertising, but it wasn’t exactly the most relevant thing to add to that reply.
now MSN and blonFTW have seen what Mr_tito361 and shadowgod84 said to me last nght and it pissed me off how they said tito told me to shut up many times I have never told him to shut up befor. that is what the hell im am talking about here
And yet you rage here? lol are you serious tavon, you sit here and wonder why people hate you yet you bitch at how terrible people are.
People are going to be dicks, that doesn’t mean you have to be a dick back, learn to control your anger.
Also, you sat here and gave us a choice “Do you like more or not.” When people said they liked you, you went on saying how right they were and how great of a person they are. When people say they did not like you, you yelled and threw a fit on how they had legit reasons to dislike you, and continued to bitch at them for saying so. Its their choice, not yours.I suggest you don’t make a topic like this again, as all it does is set you off.
Now lemme tell ya something. No one isn’t trying to be like “HA, tavon u r noob, u r treeted bad, n we say it”. Some people were trying to offer you help.
I do think that you can be a better player if you try, and follow what the others said. I’m also going to include some of the things that you can try.
(In a nutshell)
1. Stop bragging, I think its starting to piss off some people. It also makes you look like you have a terrible personality, where you’re the best.
2. Don’t rage at others. You made this topic asking “Hey guys, why do you guys hate me?” Not “give me ur best shot at disrespects”. If this is what people think of you. Accept it, and try to develop.
3. I agree that others above may have been a bit harsh on you. I am sure that in no way, that these people aren’t trying to piss you off. Some people might have different opinions about you.
4. Even though this is not necessary, but, try to improve a little bit on your grammar as said by Richard. When I read what you’re replying, it seems to me like you are getting really mad at the players, and whining. It’d be a much better approach if you went in civil ways.
5. Tavon, if you are having problems, such as being bullied, then report to the mods. Even though you might think that mods or other players might not do to help your situation, at least they will be informed with what’s going with you, even if they don’t do anything.
I hope that you understand that just because your there doesn’t get you to be disliked. Its what do that makes you feel disliked. I do hope that something is done for your cause soon.
Beretta33 im not rageing here im not puting my anger here im not even mad no more about it. and whne you said”learn to control your anger.” i know how you see i have not been warn/mute in a long time 😀 im happy for my self because of that if i was ange i will leave the server for a few mins/hours and skype someone to play some HG with me 😀 im not mad at the ppl who hate me im fine with that now. I have better things to be doing then just playing with some fool who wants me to get mad at yall at him no. and
Beretta33 when was the last time i got warn/mute if you cant tell i’ll tell you 😀now Rogue_Art when you said “1. Stop bragging, I think its starting to piss off some people. It also makes you look like you have a terrible personality, where you’re the best.” im not trying to do that anyways im not saying im better then any of you here in EC i dont even try to think about that ever! and when you said being bullied let me tell you something good sir i had been bullied in EC for a long time now by many ppl and still do today and when you said “3. I agree that others above may have been a bit harsh on you. I am sure that in no way, that these people aren’t trying to piss you off. Some people might have different opinions about you.” now i dont get piss off at them its just how they say it to me now if he/she go to far maybe then i’ll get piss off but ppl never get me that far about 65% almost piss off ^_^ then when you said “Now lemme tell ya something. No one isn’t trying to be like “HA, tavon u r noob, u r treeted bad, n we say it”. Some people were trying to offer you help” now ppl has said that to me like many times befor so i got use it to by now.so with that being said i will keep moveing on and do my best to be a good player and always do my best and try not to let ppl make me mad or anything like that.
All your doing is denying everything people say when its negative, thats what pisses me off.
well you cant get mad at me for who im am.
Point proven^ hehe
I get that you don’t need help from anyone else. That’s fine with me, and most of us. What really confuses me is this. Why are you fine with this situation? Why are you fine with people disrespecting you? Are you wanting for us to “disrespect” you in this topic to make a point?
If you are trying to really do something, then I suggest you follow the advice that has been posted. If not, then I guess that it’ll be like this, with all the hate towards you.
hmm i dont feel like doing this take this topic down 😛
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