I have someones plot and i can't go to another one.


Home Forums Creative Help! Something oopsd! I have someones plot and i can't go to another one.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ButterCreamCupcake 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20094 Score: 0


    I have someones plot and i only can place blocks in it but i can’t change to another plot what should i do. I also tried to clear it and delete it but then the text says “the plot is not your, therefore you can’t delete or clear it” Please someone HELP ME!

    #20099 Score: 0


    This most likely means that you are /plot set perm friend on’d into the plot. A player can also own more than 1 plot if needed. Talk to your town mayor to try and resolve the issue

    And yeah im gonna still help out the server even when im banned


    #20101 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Pigs this is the creative server.

    I will check it now Buttercreamcupcake. Is that your IGN?


    #20104 Score: 0


    Pigs how is it like being a member and temp ban for xray lulz

    #20141 Score: 0


    No, my IGN is CreamyCupcake

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