i keep timeing out


Home Forums Survival General discussion i keep timeing out

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chibichuba 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #11114 Score: 0


    i don’t know if this is something with the server or something with my computer but every time I join the server in about like 2min or something like that I keep timing out so if someone can tell me what I can do to fix it can you plesse do so and I will post if it stops doing it.

    #11117 Score: 0


    I and many other players have this same issue, it is a Java problem with the server and we are assuming it is the host. I understand your frustration, as I am in the same position. We are going to wait it out for now, but if it doesn’t solve by tomorrow, we will be beginning to reload plugins and find the problem.

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